Table 27 - ProviderAnalysisResult.AfsReply.InternetInfoCode

FREE-EMShopper's email address is from a free email providerCybersource
INTL-IPCOShopper's email address country is outside the USCybersource
INV-EMShopper's email address is invalidCybersource
MM-EMBCOShopper's email address domain is not consistent with billing address countryCybersource
MM-IPBCShopper's email address is not consistent with billing address cityCybersource
MM-IPBCOShopper's email address is not consistent with billing address countryCybersource
MM-IPBSTShopper's IP address is not consistent with the state in the billing address. However, this information code cannot be returned when the inconsistency is between immediately adjacent statesCybersource
MM-IPEMShopper's email address is inconsistent with IP addressCybersource
RISK-EMShopper's email domain (e.g. is associated with high riskCybersource
UNV-NIDShopper's IP address is from an anonymous proxy. These entities completely hide information about the IP addressCybersource
UNV-RISKIP address is from a risky sourceCybersource
UNV-EMBCOEmail address country does not match billing address countryCybersource