Register seller

In Split de Pagamentos, the master needs to register all sellers who will make sales on their platform.

The master will need to provide the seller's details such as identification and contact details, bank details for settlement, address, fees agreed between master and seller and additional documents.

How to register a seller

There are two ways to register a seller in Split de Pagamentos:

Register a seller via the API

The master must request seller registration by sending a request with the seller data:

  • Identification and contact details;
  • Bank details (BankAccount node);
  • Address (Address node);
  • Fee agreements (Agreements node);
  • Attached documents (Attachments node).

The seller can be registered with a CPF or CNPJ. If the document is a CPF, also send the BirthdayDate and BusinessActivity fields, as described in the request properties table.

Check the instructions for [registering a seller] via the API.

Fee agreements

In Split de Pagamentos there are possibilities for fee agreements between the master and its sellers:

  1. If you do not register fees: when fees are not defined at the time of seller registration, the master must inform the fees for each transaction, at the time of capturing the transaction or issuing the invoice. If you do not register fees and do not inform the fee in the transaction, Split will replicate the same agreements between the master and Split to the master and the seller;
  2. Global rate (Single MDR): Set a single rate for all agreements;
  3. Fee per payment method: The master must define the fees charged per transaction for payment arrangements and installment interval.

Create user for seller

If necessary, the master can allow the seller access to the Split portal. To do this, the master needs to get in contact with support.

  • The seller's MerchantId;
  • The seller's email;
  • The seller's username.