Seller registration notifications

After sending the seller registration request, we will conduct the KYC analysis and validation of the seller's bank address. At the end of each analysis, the API will send the following notifications with the status of each process:

  • KYC notification;
  • Bank account validation notification;
  • Onboarding notification.



The seller will only be able to participate in payment transactions when the onboarding notification returns the status Approved**.

To receive status change notifications, you must configure the Notification URL field when registering the master to receive a "POST" type request. The address must be HTTPS and a port outside the HTTPS standard (443) must not be used.

The merchant is expected to return the following response: HTTP Status Code 200 OK. If this response is not returned, there will be two more attempts to send the notification.

The estimated deadlines for each notification are:

  • KYC notification: a few minutes to 15 days;
  • Notification of bank information validation: two business days;
  • Onboarding notification: will be sent twice, once after the KYC notification and once after the bank validation notification (in whichever order).