Fingerprint iOS

1. Add the SDK to your project

Download iOS SDK

Then add the SDK to your project.

2. Import libraries and dependencies

Add the following libraries and dependencies to your project:

  • import RLTMXProfiling
  • import RLTMXProfilingConnections
  • import RLTMXBehavioralBiometrics

3. Parameterize the SDK

Parameterize the SDK with the following parameters:



In the “OrgID” value, indicate the value corresponding to the environment in Threatmetrix:

  • Sandbox: “1snn5n9w”;
  • Production: “k8vif92e”.

RLTMXFingerprintServer : "",

RLTMXProfileTimeout : self.profileTimeout,

RLTMXLocationServices : true,

RLTMXProfilingConnectionsInstance : profilingConnections,


4. Create the session ID variable

The ProviderMerchantId value must be concatenated with the ProviderIdentifier variable (defined by e-commerce) to create the session identification (MyVariable).

MyVariable = ProviderMerchantId + ProviderIdentifier


MyVariable = braspag_XXXX + ProviderIdentifier

self.profile.sessionID = @"MyVariable"


In the fraud analysis request, send only the ProviderIdentifier value in the Customer.BrowserFingerprint field.

Example: if the ProviderIdentifier generated by your e-commerce is “202201080949”, in the Customer.BrowserFingerprint field send the value "202201080949".



We recommend that the ProviderIdentifier variable be a GUID.

5. Implement profiling

Add the ProfileRequest() function to your application and specify the following options:

let profileHandle: RLTMXProfileHandle =

self.profile.profileDevice(profileOptions:[RLTMXCustomAttributes: [],

RLTMXSessionID: [MyVariable], callbackBlock:{(result: [AnyHashable : Any]?) -> Void in

Download Cybersource support material

Previous SDK version

Version 5.5 of the IOS SDK.

Support material: download here