It is the notification sent to the Notification URL and can be in POST or JSON format.

Notification via POST

Contains all transaction data, including merchant_order_number and checkout_cielo_order_number, which can be used for transaction query .


order_number: "40e00eefbf094763a147af713fa07ece", 
amount: "5000", 
checkout_cielo_order_number: "b9ab1956738d45cc88edf51d7d03b13e", 
created_date: "02/02/2023 17:01:35",  
customer_name: "nome do cliente",  
customer_phone: "2222222222",  
customer_identity: "12312312344",  
customer_email: "[email protected]",  
shipping_type: "5",  
shipping_price: "0",  
payment_method_type: "6",  
payment_method_brand: "2",  
payment_ maskedcreditcard: "550209******7201",  
payment_installments: "1",  
payment_antifraudresult: "1",  
payment_status: "1",  
tid: "28234896273NT8MFJBPE", 
test_transaction: "False",  
product_id: "0f48e580-d0a2-4e3b-a748-6704927f1725",  
product_type: "3",  
product_description: "123",  
nsu: "00339922" 
authorization_code: "913812" 
start_date: "29/04/2024 09:38:53" 
recurrent_status: "Ativa" 
interval: "Mensal" 
pagador_recurrent_payment_id: "9cfc236e-8600-4306-9c83-d409d1f86937"

See the description of the transaction details in the Notification content section.

Notification via JSON

Notification via JSON is a safer and more flexible method for making a query on the Payment Link. In this modality, the store receives the MerchantId and MerchantOrderNumber and a URL to perform a query (GET) on the Cielo Payment Link database and access the transaction details.

Notification content via JSON

MerchantId: "799g0de8-89c3-5d17-c670-6b29d7f00175", 
MerchantOrderNumber: "1db9226geg8b54e6b2972e9b745b89c7", 
Url: " /1db9226geg8b54e6b2972e9b745b89c7"
URLURL with the data necessary to search for transaction data.string
MerchantIdMerchant identifier at Cielo; It appears on the Cielo website in the Configuração > Dados Cadastrais menu.alphanumeric (guid)
MerchantOrderNumber*Merchant order number.
If not sent, Cielo will generate a number, which will be viewed by the consumer.
For reconciliation purposes, the characters allowed are only a-z, A-Z, 0-9. Special characters and whitespace are not allowed.

*In other requests and responses it may be called OrderNumber.

The store server must send the return HTTP Status = 200 (OK) to the Payment Link API, indicating that the notification was received and processed successfully.

Example of a URL query returned via JSON


    "order_number": "1db9226geg8b54e6b2972e9b745b89c7", 
    "amount": 101, 
    "discount_amount": 0, 
    "checkout_cielo_order_number": "65930e7460bd4a849502ed14d7be6c03", 
    "created_date": "10-03-2023 14:38:56", 
    "customer_name": "Test Test", 
    "customer_phone": "11987654321", 
    "customer_identity": "445556667", 
    "customer_email": "[email protected]", 
    "shipping_type": 1, 
    "shipping_name": "Motoboy", 
    "shipping_price": 1, 
    "shipping_address_zipcode": "06455-030", 
    "shipping_address_district": "Alphaville", 
    "shipping_address_city": "Barueri", 
    "shipping_address_state": "SP", 
    "shipping_address_line1": "Alameda Xingu", 
    "shipping_address_line2": "Apto 25", 
    "shipping_address_number": "512", 
    "payment_method_type": 1, 
    "payment_method_brand": 1, 
    "payment_maskedcreditcard": "482852******6856", 
    "payment_installments": 1, 
    "payment_status": 3, 
    "tid": "10558590697J62OH9BPB", 
    "test_transaction": "False", 
    "interval": "Monthly", 
    "recurrent_status": "Ativa", 
    "start_date": "20/02/2024", 
    "end_date": "04/10/2028", 
    "product_id": "adf8905e-68ef-4433-9692-9d63aa3d8f77", 
    "product_type": 5, 
    "nsu": "038002", 
    "authorization_code": "039186" 

See the description of the sale details in the Notification content section.