
Correios shipping service currently unavailable.

If a request with this shipping option is sent, you will receive a return with error 400 and the message: "The shipping service by Correios is unavailable". If you use the service on your payment links or checkout pages, change the shipping type to the other available options.

Checkout Cielo allows you to define five shipping options in the Shipping.Type parameter.

Frete Fixo"FixedAmount"Fixed amount sent by the merchant. Used if the merchant has its own delivery method.
Frete grátis"Free"It does not perform shipping calculations and displays “Free Shipping” on the transactional screen.
Retirada na Loja"WithoutShippingPickUp"Considered In store pick up.
Não tem frete"WithoutShipping"No shipping charges (applicable to digital products and services).
Correios"Correios"It uses the Correios API to calculate the cost. The calculation value will depend on the contract used (informed in the Store Settings) and the type of integration for calculation.

Options for multiple shipping in the Correios category must be selected within Store Settings on the Cielo website.

Check the nodes that form shipping information:


Shipping is the base node. It is mandatory for integration via API. It defines the types of shipping to be used.

Shipping.TypeShipping type:
Shipping.SourceZipCodeZip code of origin of the shopping cart. Required if Shipping.Type is “Correios”.integer8Conditional
Shipping.TargetZipCodeZIP code of the shopper's delivery address.integer8No


Shipping.Address contains the shipping address information. It is not required in the API contract, but we suggest that this data be sent if it has already been collected within the store environment. If they have not been collected, the payment page will display address fields for the buyer to fill out.

Shipping.Address.StreetStreet, avenue, lane, etc., of the shopper's delivery address.string256Não*
Shipping.Address.NumberShopper's shipping address number.string8Não*
Shipping.Address.ComplementComplement of the shopper's delivery address.string14Não
Shipping.Address.DistrictNeighborhood of the shopper's delivery address.string64Não*
Shipping.Address.CityCity of shopper's delivery address.string64Não*
Shipping.Address.StateState (UF) of the shopper's delivery address.string2Não*

*It is not required, but we recommend sending it.


Shipping.Services is used for fixed shipping, such as shipping services contracted by the store.

Shipping.Services.NameName of the shipping service.string128Yes
Shipping.Services.PriceShipping service price in cents. E.g.: R$ 1.00 = 100.integer18Yes
Shipping.Services.DeadlineDelivery time (in days).integer9No

Calculation of Correios shipping


Correios shipping service currently unavailable.

If a request with this shipping option is sent, you will receive a return with error 400 and the message: "The shipping service by Correios is unavailable". If you use the service on your payment links or checkout pages, change the shipping type to the other available options.

Shipping calculation is done using the Correios API and can be of two types:

  • Shipping with volume: requires the merchant to inform the dimensions of the package that will be sent with the goods;
  • Shipping without volume: only considers the weight of the cart as the calculation basis for delivery.

To use shipping volume, submit the Shipping.Measures node, following the integration rules via REST API.

  • Shipping.Measures: indicates the package measurements.
Shipping.PackagePackage type:
"Box": boxed item
"Roll": cylinder or envelope.
Shipping.LengthPackage length.integerYes
Shipping.HeightPackage height. Required if Shipping.Package is "Box".integerConditional
Shipping.WidthPackage width. Required if Shipping.Package is "Box" or "Roll".integerConditional
Shipping.DiameterPackage diameter. Required if Shipping.Package is "Roll".integerConditional



To calculate shipping via Correios, it is necessary to respect the measurements defined by the contract used by the merchant. For more information about the dimensions and weights allowed, we suggest that you validate the store contract in Term of Conditions for the Provision of National Correios Parcel Services .