Cielo OAUTH is an authentication process for Cielo APIs related to e-commerce.

Cielo OAUTH uses the OAUTH2 protocol for security. In it, it is necessary to first obtain an access token using your credentials and then send it to the Transactional Control API.

To use Cielo OAUTH, the following credentials are required:

ClientIdKey identifier provided by CieloGUID
ClientSecretKey that validates the ClientID. Provided by Cielo along with ClientIdstring

Get credentials

To obtain the ClientId and ClientSecret credentials for authentication to the Payment Link API or Checkout API, follow the steps below:

  1. After receiving the establishment number (EC) with authorization for Checkout, access the Cielo website and login;
  2. Go to Ecommerce > Checkout > Configurações > Dados Cadastrais;
  3. In the Contato técnico section, fill in the contact details of the person responsible for receiving the credentials.



Only provide the details of the person who can actually have access to your credentials, as this information is confidential for each establishment.

  1. Click on Gerar Credenciais de Acesso às APIs;
  2. The technical contact will receive an email with credentials.

Using the credentials, it will be possible to create an access token.