Creates the Checkout payment page.

In integration via API, the payment page is created based on sent data that forms a shopping cart. This data is separated into the following main nodes:

CartContains data on the products to be sold.
ShippingContains data on the type of shipping to be charged. It is influenced by the Cart node.
PaymentContains information that influences the amount charged. Does not contain information about payment methods.
CustomerContains the customer's data. Not required on integration, but required on the payment screen. We suggest sending it to speed up the purchasing process.
OptionsControls optional Checkout features. Not required.

After sending the cart data, Checkout will send a response containing a link to the payment page in the CheckoutUrl field.



The payment page creation request does not create a transaction. The returned URL (CheckoutUrl) is just a “pre-order” indicating that the payment page is ready to be used. The transaction is only created when the customer clicks Finalizar on the Checkout screen.



For your order number to be sent in the transaction to the statement for reconciliation purposes, follow the following formatting standards:

  • Field: string;
  • Minimum size: 1;
  • Maximum size: 20;
  • Allowed: letters (a-z, A-Z) and numbers (0-9);
  • Not allowed: symbols and special characters, including white spaces;
  • Do not repeat in less than 24 (twenty-four) hours.


Correios shipping service currently unavailable.

If a request with this shipping option is sent, you will receive a return with error 400 and the message: "The shipping service by post is unavailable." If you use the service on your payment links or checkout pages, change the shipping type to the other available options.
