Card Brands Retry Program

What are transaction retries?

When a shopper tries to make a card purchase at your business, a transaction can be declined due to a number of factors. The next attempts to complete the transaction using the same card is called retrying.

Important: Card transactions (both card present or not-present) and Zero Auth (card validation) are also subject to the card brand rules for retrying.

What has changed?

Each card brand defines the amount that will be charged for retrying. The number of times a transaction will be retried also varies by brand.

Are transaction retries allowed in e-commerce?

Card brands define different rules for present and non-present card transactions, like in online sales.

What is the impact for the merchant?

Merchants who do not follow the rules will be penalized by charging fees for exceeded transactions, in accordance with each brand program.

Aiming to improve the shopping experience, the payment methods industry, together with ABECS, promoted the standardization of the response codes for rejected transactions made by card. Attempts are classified as:

  • Irreversible: Never retry.
    It means, for example, that the card was canceled for use, has been lost or stolen, there is confirmed fraud, the transaction is not allowed for that product, indicating that there are no circumstances in which the issuer would grant an approval. Any authorization attempt that has previously received an irreversible refusal without any changes in the message will not be successful.

  • Reversible: Retry allowed.
    It means that the issuer can approve, but cannot do so now, possibly due to a system issue (down) or lack of limit, suspected fraud or exceeded number of password attempts. These are temporary opt-out decisions made by the issuer that may change over time.

The Visa, Mastercard and Elo brands adjusted their rules to limit the number of authorization attempts for a denied transaction. These changes provide for the charging of fees for excessive attempts. Below are the rules for each brand.


The Mastercard brand has the Transaction Processing Excellence (TPE) program, which includes two categories:

  • Excessive Attempts – monitors the attempts of denied transactions, in card present and not present environments. Valid for both reversible and irreversible denial codes.

  • Merchant Advice Code Transaction Excellence (MAC)– monitors transaction retries that are denied, in card-not-present environments that are irreversible. Billing only on (MAC) 03 and 21.

1. Excessive Attempts

These are charges made when the merchant exceeds the rules for retrying transactions.

The brand also performs monitoring for any approved nominal value authorization, with subsequent reversal for transactions below 1 unit of whole currency or the equivalent of US$ 1.

Monitoring is applied to retry transactions for denied and approved purchases, carried out in a present and non-present card environment.

Excessive Attempts Table

CategoriesCodesValidityDomestic RateInternational RateWhen OccursRetry Allowed
Card present and Card not presentAny denial code that is not assigned to MAC 03 and 21. And also MAC codes if you do not respect the "Excessive Attempts" limitsUntil 01/31/2023BRL 2.00-From the 11th retry onwardsRetry allowed within 24 hours.
Card present and Card not presentAny denial code that is not assigned to MAC 03 and 21. And also the MAC codes if you do not respect the limits of "Excessive Attempts"New rule from 02/01/2023R $2.00-From the 8th retry onwardsRetry allowed within 24 hours.
  • All payment transactions using the same card and the same merchant number will be considered as retries;

  • Mastercard has extended the effective date to 01/02/2023 regarding the new program rules (Excessive Attempts) previously scheduled for the beginning of 01/11/2022. These are the changes:

    1. The excess considered in the program will occur from the eighth attempt within the calculation month. The amount charged has changed.
    1. Mastercard is also introducing a limit of 35 failed attempts on the same card and merchant number per continuous 30-day period. Even if the shopper does not exceed the limit of 7 retries in a 24-hour period, but exceeds the monthly limit, the charge will be applied

Note: The current rule of the Excessive Attempts program is valid until 01/31/2023, where only 10 attempts to approve the same transaction are allowed (on the same card, and same merchant number), with retry allowed after 24 hours.

2. Merchant Advice Code Transaction Excellence (MAC)

These are charges made when the establishment re-attempts to send authorization for irreversible response codes with the same valid card for a card not present.

Within this retry program, there are programs that are specifically designed for the “Do not try this transaction again” scenario. For these cases, Mastercard identifies transactions with the following values: MAC 03 and MAC 21, for example.

The MAC program accepts a few values, however only MACs 03 and 21 have a specific charge. The other MACs do not fall under this MAC 03/21 charge.

The other MAC codes (01, 02, 04, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 40 and 41) are not included the MAC billing program but are included in the Excessive Attempts program billing if you exceed the limits.

Since 10/14/2022 Mastercard has introduced new MAC codes 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, when an issuer declines a transaction with the response code 51 (Insufficient Funds) followed by one of the MACs below, for the merchant to take the best action.

MACs codes table

01New account information available (ABU)Need to update the data of the account being used in the transaction, using the ABU, for example.
02Cannot be approved at this time, try again laterMust retry the transaction after 72 hours or try the transaction with a different payment method.
03Retry is not allowedMust seek another method of guaranteeing payment, avoiding unnecessary costs of multiple authorization requests that will continue to result in declines
04Token requirements not met for this model tokenNeed to review the token requirements, as they were not met for the model token sent in the transaction
21Plan cancelledCustomer cancels plan and even after cancellation, the establishment continues to send purchase authorization request.
24Try again after 1 hourOnly valid for response code 51 (Insufficient Funds).
25Try again after 24 hoursOnly valid for response code 51 (Insufficient Funds).
26Try again after 2 daysOnly valid for response code 51 (Insufficient Funds).
27Try again after 4 daysOnly valid for response code 51 (Insufficient Funds).
28Try again after 6 daysOnly valid for response code 51 (Insufficient Funds).
29Try again after 8 daysOnly valid for response code 51 (Insufficient Funds).
30Try again after 10 daysOnly valid for response code 51 (Insufficient Funds)
40Retry is not allowedConsumers non-reloadable prepaid card.
41Retry is not allowedConsumers single-use virtual card.

Some return codes will no longer be sent:

  • 04 (Capture Card)
  • 14 (Invalid card number)
  • 43 (Stolen Card)
  • 54 (Expired Card)
  • 57 (Transaction Not Allowed)
  • 62 (Card Restricted)
  • 63 (Security Breach)

Categorization of Mastercard returns

Mastercard may consolidate some issuer response codes, which often may not indicate to the merchant whether or not to retry, into 3 codes for Mastercard exclusive use:

  • 79 (Life cycle)
  • 82 (Policy)
  • 83 (Fraud/Security)

The original codes will be replaced by the Merchant Advice Code (MAC), which will accompany codes 79, 82 and 83 to determine whether or not the transaction can be re-attempted.

For example:

WhenThenAnd the response code
The issuer declines the transaction using response code 54 (Expired Card)Mastercard will replace code 54 with code 79 (Lifecycle Decline)Accompany appropriate Merchant Advice Code (MAC)

MAC 03 and MAC 21 retry program

Method of calculation:

  • Card not present transactions will be considered;
  • All payment transactions using the same card and merchant number are considered retries;
  • Retries in the MAC program with values ​​MAC 03 and MAC 21 count;
  • Valid for any response code,
  • The excess accounted for in the program will occur from the 1st attempt within the calculation month;
  • The counter is reset after a period of 30 days;
  • Retries may be charged for MACs 03/21 and Excessive Attempts if you exceed the limit for each program;
  • Currently, the tariff value of BRL 1.25 is applied and this value will change from January 1, 2023, as shown on the table;

Table of values:

Number of retriesRule
As of the 1st attemptBRL 2.50 (two reais and fifty cents) per attempt, as of the 1st


Visa may allow a certain number of new attempts to approve a transaction depending on the refusal code returned after the first declined attempt.

The goal is to create balance in the transactions ecosystem so to guarantee that both acquirers and merchants provide accurate information about retrying transactions and decrease unnecessary attempts.

Visa demands that issuers present the correct and non-generic codes to make it easier to identify the reason why a transaction was declined.

Visa classifies those codes in reversible and irreversible, both for card present and card not present transactions:

  • Reversible codes: Visa allows up to 15 attempts to approve the same transaction (with the same card, transaction, expiration date, amount and merchant) within 30 days. After 30 days, from the first attempt, any retry will be charged.

  • Irreversible codes: Visa allows only the first attempt to approve the transaction (with the same card, transaction, expiry date, amount and merchant). From the second attempt, every retry will be charged, at any period of time.

Fess: when the attempts limit for Visa is reached, every excessive attempt will be charged:

  • Brazilian card: USD 0,10 + 13,83% taxes;
  • Foreign card: USD 0,25 + 13,83% taxes.

* Fees have been charged since April, 2021.

Visa grouped the response codes into four categories:

  • Category 1: issuer will never approve

    The card was cancelled or never existed or the refusal is the result of a permanent restriction or error that prevents an approval in the future.

  • Category 2: the issuer cannot approve at the moment

    The refusal is the result of a temporary condition such as credit risk, issuers velocity controls or other card restrictions that may allow the transaction authorization when retried. In some cases, the refusal requires an action from the cardholder or the issuer to remove the restriction before authorization is granted.

  • Category 3: data quality

    When a data error is identified by the issuer, the transaction is declined. The merchant must check the payment data before retrying the transaction. Merchants and acquirers must monitor the refusal codes due to potential exposure to frauds.

Warning: Category 3 has a cumulative limit. A merchant can perform up to 25,000 transactions within 30 days (considering the merchant number and refusal codes). If the limit is surpassed, all declined transactions due to a category 3 response code will be charged.

  • Category 4: Generic response codes
    Category 4 includes all other decline response codes that are not in categories 1, 2, and 3, as there may be circumstances where there is no response code value for a specific decline condition. Issuers may use other response code values defined in the VisaNet Technical Specifications; however, their use should remain minimal.

Issuers should use response codes that more accurately reflect the reason for declines. That is, focus on categories 1 (the issuer will never approve), 2 (the issuer cannot approve at this time), and 3 (data quality) and avoid using category 4 (generic response code). Issuers should limit this category as much as possible. The Category 4 fee is charged to ensure that no more than the regionally approved percentage of the issuer's total declines are categorized as Category 4. Issuers that exceed the regionally defined limit will incur the Generic Response Code Fee on a per-transaction basis for each decline in excess of the defined limit.

Issuers must use response codes that reflect more precisely the refusal reason.

Table with rules and refusal codes (action codes) for Visa:

The rules presented in the table below are valid for both sale and Zero Auth transactions:

Category 1 Issuer will never approve new attemptsIrreversible04 - Pick up card
07 - Pick up card, special condition
12 - Invalid transaction
14* - Invalid account number
15 - No such issuer
41 - Lost card, pick up
43 - Stolen card, pick up
46 - Closed account
57 - Transaction not permitted to cardholder
R0 - Stop Payment Order
R1 - Revocation of authorization order
R3 - Revocation of all authorizations order
Fees are charged from the second attempt.
Category 2 Issuer will not approve at the moment; retries allowedReversible03 - Invalid merchant
19 - Re-enter transaction
39** - No credit account
51 - Not sufficient funds
52** - No checking account
53** - No savings account
59 - Suspected fraud
61 - Exceeds approval amount limit
62 - Restricted card (card invalid in this region or country)
65 - Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
75 - Allowable number of PIN entry tries exceeded
78 - “Blocked, first used”—Transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked
86 - Cannot verify PIN; for example, no PVV
91 - Issuer or switch inoperative
93 - Transaction cannot be completed - violation of law
96 - System malfunction
N3 - Cash service not available
N4 - Cash request exceeds issuer or approved limit
Z5*** - Valid account, amount not supported
The merchant can retry the same transaction 15 times. Fees will be charged from the 16th attempt for the same transaction (with the same card, transaction, expiration date, amount and merchant) within a period of 30 consecutive days (from the 1st attempt). After the initial 30 days (from the 1st attempt) any retry of the same transaction will be charged.
Category 3 Data qualityReversible54 - Expired card
55 - Incorrect PIN
70 - PIN data required (only Europe)
82 - Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results
1A - Additional customer authentication required (only Europe)
6P - Verification data failed (cardholder identification dos not correspond to issuer records)
N7 - Decline for CVV2 failure (Visa)
The merchant can retry the same transaction 15 times. Fees will be charged from the 16th attempt for the same transaction (with the same card, transaction, expiration date, amount and merchant) within a period of 30 consecutive days (from the 1st attempt). After the initial 30 days (from the 1st attempt) any retry of the same transaction will be charged.
Category 4**Generic response codes**ReversibleGeneric response codes not listed in categories 1,2, or 3The merchant can retry the same transaction 15 times. Fees will be charged from the 16th attempt for the same transaction (with the same card, transaction, expiration date, amount and merchant) within a period of 30 consecutive days (from the 1st attempt). After the initial 30 days (from the 1st attempt) any retry of the same transaction will be charged.

* Code 14 will be reclassified from 04/24/24, but remains on category 1.

** Codes 39, 52, and 53 will migrate from category 4 to category 2.

* *Code Z5* is a new code and is in category 2.

Since April, 2023, the limit for the total of declines for category 3 went from 10,000 to 25,000 declines in a 30-day billing cycle.


What is it?

This is a program instituted by ELO that generates charges when the merchant exceeds the rules for retrying transactions with the same card.

Forms of Calculation

  • Retries: all payment transactions on the same card, validity, value, Merchant ID (MID) - within 30 days
  • Accounted codes: all negatives​
  • Excess: from the 16th retry in the month​*
  • Fee: BRL 0.80 (eighty cents) per retry, starting from the 16th
  • Billing: The billing will only be done in cases of recurrence, therefore, the establishment must be at least 2 consecutive months in the program.
  • Excess accounting: It is based on Elo's internal controls. 1st to last calendar day of the month.

List of refusal codes:

The response codes below are listed according to the brand's authorization manual.

4REDO THE TRANSACTIONThis code must be used by the Issuer to request that the owner of the card/EC perform the transaction again if the issuer detects failure in capturing the transaction information or if it is necessary to update the password, denying the 1st transactionReversible
5GENERICALThe brand may use this code for other dealings (generic).Reversible
6CONSULT ACQUIRERThis reason must be used by the Acquirer when it identifies internal problems that do not require changes in the message for the transaction to follow the correct flow.Reversible
12CARD ERROR- This code must be used by the Issuer when it identifies a failure in the CAVV validation of 3DS or tokenized transactions.
- This code must be used by the issuer when it identifies an incorrect/invalid service code for cards - This code must be used by the issuer for problems identified in the token - This code must be used to deny reversals and reversal notices where the original transaction is not located by the issuer.
13INVALID TRANSACTION AMOUNT- This code must be used by the issuer when it identifies that the transaction amount is invalid according to the issuer's parameters.Irreversible
14INVALID CARD NUMBER- This code must be used by the issuer for invalid/incorrect card number. - The brand may use this code for other dealings.Irreversible
19ACQUIRER PROBLEMS- This code must be used by the acquirer when it identifies internal problems that require changes in the message so that the transaction follows the correct flow.Irreversible
23INVALID INSTALLMENT AMOUNT- This code must be used by the issuer when the installment amount is outside the limit established. This code must be used when the issuer does not accept the Elo Parcelado Loja product (product 072) with the number of installments less than 12.Irreversible
30MESSAGE FORMAT ERROR- This code must be used by the issuer when it identifies a format error in the message (mandatory field, domains, formats, size not present or different from the specification).Irreversible
38PURCHASE/EXCEEDED PASSWORD ATTEMPTS- This code must be used by the issuer when the number of permitted password attempts is exceeded (used only for purchases).Reversible
41LOST CARD- This code must be used by the issuer for a card with definitive blocking for the reason "LOST".Irreversible
43STOLEN CARD- This code must be used by the issuer for a card with definitive blocking for the reason "STOLEN".Irreversible
51INSUFFICIENT BALANCE/LIMIT- This code must be used by the issuer for a card that is temporarily without enough balance or limit to carry out the transaction. - Withdrawal/advance 2 without track 2 - Purchase with change not supported. - Address verification not supported (only when process code is "13" with no purchase value). * Card account verification not supported (only when process code is "18" with no purchase amount).Reversible
54CARD EXPIRATION DATE- This code must be used by the issuer for a physical card or token with validity/expired or invalid.Irreversible
55INVALID PASSWORD / NOT SENT- This code must be used by the Issuer when the password typed by the customer does not match, it's invalid/incorrect. - This code must be used by the issuer when the password is not sent in the message and is required for transaction approval.Reversible
56CARD WITHOUT REGISTRATION1. Card number does not belong to the issuer 2. Card number is not validIrreversible
57TRANSACTION NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS CARD- This code must be used by the Issuer when the card is definitively blocked, except for blocking for loss and theft that already have specific codes (eg death, confirmed fraud, definitive cancellation at the customer's request , etc). - This code must be used for products and services not supported by the card issuer. - This code can be used for invalid/suspended/inactive token. - This code must be used to negate the fallback input mode.Irreversible
58INVALID MERCHANT- This code must be used by the Issuer when the merchant's MCC is not registered to obtain a token from the Issuer.Irreversible
59FRAUD SUSPECT- This code must be used by the issuer when prevention rules suspect fraud, requiring contact between the cardholder and the issuer to release the card and carry out a new transaction. - This code must be entered used by the issuer to deny transactions due to the absence of the travel notice that must be carried out by the cardholder before traveling abroad or in some cases before carrying out transactions on international websites.Reversible
61MAXIMUM WITHDRAWAL/PURCHASE VALUE EXCEEDED- This code must be used by the Issuer when the withdrawal/purchase amount exceeds the limit allowed by it.Reversible
62TEMPORARY BILLING BLOCK- This code must be used by the issuer for cards with temporary billing block.Reversible
63SECURITY VIOLATION- This code must be used by the Issuer when the card security code (CVE2) is incorrect/invalid or invalid MST (token).Irreversible
64MINIMUM TRANSACTION AMOUNT - INVALID- This code must be used by the issuer when the transaction amount is below the minimum allowed by the IssuerIrreversible
65QUALITY OF WITHDRAWALS EXCEEDED- This code must be used by the issuer when the withdrawal quantity limit is exceededReversible
75WITHDRAWAL/ PASSWORD ATTEMPTS EXCEEDED- This code must be used by the Issuer when the number of password attempts stipulated by the Issuer is exceeded (used only for withdrawls)Reversible
76INVALID OR NON-EXISTENT DESTINATION ACCOUNT- This code must be used by the issuer when the account "PARA" (destination) in BIT 3 is invalid or non-existent and exclusively for Funds Transfer transactionsIrreversible
77INVALID OR NON-EXISTENT ORIGINAL ACCOUNT- This code must be used by the issuer when the "DE" (origin) account in BIT 3 is invalid or non-existent and exclusively for Funds Transfer transactions.Irreversible
78NEW CARD WITHOUT UNLOCKING / CARD BLOCKED- This code must be used by the issuer when the new card has not yet been unlocked (activated) by the cardholder with the Issuer or when the cardholder, through autonomy, wishes to temporarily block the card through the issuer application.Reversible
82INVALID CARD (internal data)- This code must be used by the issuer when the card's internal data does not match (eg invalid cryptogram, invalid ATC etc.)Irreversible
83IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO VALIDATE THE PASSWORD- This code must be used by the Issuer and will be used by Elo when it is not possible to validate or decrypt the password.Irreversible
91ISSUER OUT OF AIR- This code will be used by the brand when the issuer is temporarily unavailable to authorize the transaction or the issuer's response was not received within the established time.Reversible
96SYSTEM FAILURE- This code will be used by the brand or the issuer due to problems processing the transaction.Reversible
ABINCORRECT FUNCTION (DEBIT)- This code will be used by the issuer to signal the establishment that it requested authorization in the debit function, but the card does not have this function active.Irreversible
ACINCORRECT FUNCTION (CREDIT)- This code will be used by the Issuer to signal the establishment that he requested authorization in the credit function, but the card does not have this function active.Irreversible
FMUSE THE CHIP- This code will be used by the issuer to inform the merchant that the contactless transaction will not be successful and that the cardholder must use the chip (contact).Irreversible
P5PASSWORD CHANGE / UNLOCKING FAILURE- This code will be used by the issuer when there is a password change or unlocking failure.Irreversible
P6NEW PASSWORD NOT ACCEPTED- This code will be used by the issuer when the new password chosen by the customer does not meet the minimum criteria established by the Issuer.Reversible

Other brands

  • Reversible codes: New attempts will be allowed for the same customer and card. There is no limit and pre-established period;

Important: you should follow the guidance received in the response to the transaction denied, before making a new attempt.

  • Irreversible Codes: Authorizations will not be allowed for the same card or establishment, after receiving the 1st refusal response from the issuer.