Credit card in sandbox

With this payment method it is possible to simulate the flows of:

  • Authorization;
  • Capture;
  • Cancellation;
  • Consultation.

To make better use of a simulated payment, you can create a fake card number using a generator online or choosing random numbers. For either option, the first 15 digits can be random, but the last one should correspond to the transaction status you want to test.

The Security Code (CVV) and expiration date information may be random, keeping the format - CVV (3 digits) and Validity (MM/YYYY).


If you want to test a transaction on the API E-commerce Cielo by saving the card number, we recommend using a card generator to comply with the mod10 (Luhn Algorithm) rule, which is used in Sandbox and Production environments.

Simulate Zero Auth validation

To simulate a scenario of successful authorization of a Zero Auth validation in the sandbox, send the request with a card number starting with the digit 5 ​​and ending in 0, regardless of the card brand. If you have the tokenization service, the card must also be valid in mod10 (Luhn algorithm).

Example of valid cards for testing Zero Auth in the sandbox:

  • 5502095822650000
  • 5315281703921200


The status of the transactions are defined by the final digits of each card, as well as the ReturnCode.

Final card digitTransaction StatusReturn CodeReturn Message
Authorized4/6Operation performed successfully
XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXX2Not Authorized05Not Authorized
XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXX3Not Authorized57Expired Card
XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXX5Not Authorized78Blocked Card
XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXX6Not Authorized99Time Out
XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXX7Not Authorized77Canceled Card
XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXX8Not Authorized70Problems with the Credit Card
XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXX9Random Authorization4 a 99Operation Successful / Time Out

The test card 4024.0071.5376.3191, for example, would simulated a successful transaction.



  • The environment evaluates the format and end of the card. If an actual card is sent, the result of the operation will be identical to that described in the test cards table.
  • Sandbox return codes are not the same as the ones available in production.

To check the return codes in Production, check API Codes.