Create payment using brand token created outside Cielo
Learn more about this feature in the documentation.
If the merchant uses a gateway or another partner that already offers the network token solution, it is necessary to send some specific parameters in the request to the Cielo E-commerce API so that the card network receives the token data.
: this is the token cryptogram generated by the card network for each transaction and associates the token with a specific transaction;Payment.IssuerTransactionId
: this is the card network's identifier for transactions in a series of recurrences (stored credentials). It is important to send thePayment.IssuerTransactionId
with each transaction so that the card brand and issuer can identify that there is a previous transaction with that token (and improve the chances of approval).
We always recommend sending the cryptogram; if the cryptogram is not sent, the merchant must send the
Check out the example request for using a card token with external integration:
Environment | Method | Endpoint |
Sandbox | post | |
Production | post | |
Header parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Size | Required |
Content-Type | Media type accepted by the resource. | String | 40 | Yes |
MerchantId | Store identifier in Cielo. | String | 36 | Yes |
MerchantKey | Public key for dual authentication in Cielo. | String | 40 | Yes |
RequestId | Request identifier, used when the store uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. | String | 36 | No |
Body Parameters
Check the standard credit card request to verify all mandatory fields. The table below presents the exclusive parameters for tokenization via external integration.
Parameter | Type | Size | Required | Description |
Payment.CreditCard.CardNumber | Text | 19 | Yes | Token generated by the brand (DPAN). Indication that the CardNumber should be filled with the DPAN in case of brand tokenization |
Payment.CreditCard.Holder | Text | 25 | Yes | Buyer's Name printed on the card. |
Payment.CreditCard.Cryptogram | Text | 28 | Conditional | Cryptogram generated by the brand. Must be sent if tokenization is done by the brand (external integration). |
Payment.CreditCard.ExpirationDate | Text | 7 | Yes | Expiration date of the token generated by the brand. |
Payment.CreditCard.SecurityCode | Text | 4 | No | Security code printed on the back of the card - See Attachment. |
Payment.CreditCard.SaveCard | Boolean | *** | No (Default false) | Boolean that identifies if the card will be saved to generate the CardToken. Learn more about Tokenization. |
Payment.CreditCard.Brand | Text | 10 | Yes | Card brand (Visa / Master / Amex / Elo / Aura / JCB / Diners / Discover / Hipercard). |
*Must be sent if tokenization is done by the brand (external integration).
Example of the request
"MerchantOrderId": "Loja123456",
"Customer": {
"Name": "Comprador Teste",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Birthdate": "1991-01-02",
"Address": {
"Street": "Rua Teste",
"Number": "123",
"Complement": "AP 123",
"ZipCode": "12345987",
"City": "Rio de Janeiro",
"State": "RJ",
"Country": "BRA"
"DeliveryAddress": {
"Street": "Rua Teste",
"Number": "123",
"Complement": "AP 123",
"ZipCode": "12345987",
"City": "Rio de Janeiro",
"State": "RJ",
"Country": "BRA"
"Payment": {
"Type": "CreditCard",
"Amount": 15700,
"Currency": "BRL",
"Country": "BRA",
"ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
"Installments": 1,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"Capture": true,
"Authenticate": false,
"SoftDescriptor": "123456789ABCD",
"CreditCard": {
"CardNumber": "1234123412341231",
"Holder": "Teste Holder",
"Cryptogram": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw==",
"ExpirationDate": "12/2030",
"SecurityCode": "123",
"SaveCard": "true",
"Brand": "Visa"
"MerchantOrderId": "Loja123456",
"Customer": {
"Name": "Comprador Teste",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Birthdate": "1991-01-02",
"Address": {
"Street": "Rua Teste",
"Number": "123",
"Complement": "AP 123",
"ZipCode": "12345987",
"City": "Rio de Janeiro",
"State": "RJ",
"Country": "BRA"
"DeliveryAddress": {
"Street": "Rua Teste",
"Number": "123",
"Complement": "AP 123",
"ZipCode": "12345987",
"City": "Rio de Janeiro",
"State": "RJ",
"Country": "BRA"
"Payment": {
"ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
"Installments": 1,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"Capture": true,
"Authenticate": false,
"CreditCard": {
"CardNumber": "455187******0183",
"Holder": "Teste Holder",
"ExpirationDate": "12/2030",
"SaveCard": true,
"CardToken": "d37bf475-307d-47be-b50a-8dcc38c5056c",
"Brand": "Visa"
"ProofOfSale": "674532",
"Tid": "0305020554239",
"AuthorizationCode": "123456",
"PaymentId": "24bc8366-fc31-4d6c-8555-17049a836a07",
"Type": "CreditCard",
"Amount": 15700,
"CapturedAmount": 15700,
"Country": "BRA",
"ExtraDataCollection": [],
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": "6",
"ReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "{PaymentId}"
"Method": "PUT",
"Rel": "void",
"Href": "{PaymentId}/void"
Response property
Parâmetro | Descrição | Tipo | Tamanho | Formato |
ProofOfSale | Authorization number, identical to NSU. | Text | 6 | Alphanumeric text |
Tid | Transaction ID at the acquirer. | Text | 20 | Alphanumeric text |
AuthorizationCode | Authorization code. | Text | 6 | Alphanumeric text |
SoftDescriptor | Text to be printed on the cardholder's bank statement - available only for VISA/MASTER - does not allow special characters | Text | 13 | Alphanumeric text |
PaymentId | Payment identification number, required for operations such as Query, Capture, and Cancellation. | GUID | 36 | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
ECI | Electronic Commerce Indicator. Represents how secure a transaction is. | Text | 2 | Example: 7 |
Status | Transaction Status. | Byte | *** | 2 |
ReturnCode | Acquirer return code. | Text | 32 | Alphanumeric text |
ReturnMessage | Acquirer return message. | Text | 512 | Alphanumeric text |
Cardtoken | Card identification token. | GUID | 36 | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx |