Cash In transactions

A Cash In transaction is when you add credit to a digital wallet. The merchants that operate this type of transaction should be registered as an E-Wallet with the card brands and should be registered with one of the following MCCs:


In addition, you have to send some additional data in the transaction so that the brands can identify this type of transaction. See the specifications below:

In addition to the specific fields of this payment method, for Cash In transactions, it is also required to send the Soft Descriptor (Payment.SoftDescriptor) and the CPF or CNPJ of the shopper (Customer.Identity and Customer.IdentityType). In case of Cash In, the Soft Descriptor field should be filled in with name of e-wallet*name of shopper. See more details on the request fields table.

Important: Cash In booking is only accepted for the following types and brands: Visa/Mastercard credit only; Debit and credit link. Not accepted for foreign cards.


  "MerchantOrderId": "2012345678",
  "Customer": {
    "Name": "Comprador Carteira",
    "Identity": "11225468954",
    "IdentityType": "CPF"
  "Payment": {
    "Type": "CreditCard",
    "Amount": 15700,
    "Installments": 1,
    "SoftDescriptor": "CARTEIRA*NOMEPORTADOR",
    "CreditCard": {
      "CardNumber": "4532110000001234",
      "Brand": "Visa",
      "SecurityCode": "123"
    "Wallet": {
      "PlatformOperator": "ABC",
      "AdditionalData": {
        "CashIn": "true"
Wallet.PlatformOperatorstring (text)3Yes for Cash In transactionsAcronym for the wallet that's registered in Cielo (check with you commercial manager at Cielo)
Wallet.AdditionalData.CashInstring (text)Yes for Cash In transactionsEnviar como “True” se for uma transação de Cash In
Wallet.AdditionalData.Mccstring (number)4Yes for Cash In transactionsMCC of the underlying merchant (for purchase transactions); MCC of the digital wallet (for credit supply transactions in the wallet, if applicable - in which it is necessary to mark cash in, also seen in this session)
Customer.Identitytext14Yes for Cash In transactionsShopper’s CPF or CNPJ number.
Customer.IdentityTypeText255Yes for Cash In transactionsShopper ID Type (CPF/CNPJ).
SoftDescriptortext13Yes for Cash In transactionsText that will be printed on the shopper's bank invoice.
Does not allow special characters.
Needs to include Wallet name*merchant name.