A Cash In transaction is when you add credit to a digital wallet. The merchants that operate this type of transaction should be registered as an E-Wallet with the card brands and should be registered with one of the following MCCs:
2000019700 | 8c08a0d0f00b73dedd2673a06fa725b0bd8edbf71c4c7dd0614bf408e4d16120 | 6051/6540/6538/4829 | Mastercard |
2000019700 | 8c08a0d0f00b73dedd2673a06fa725b0bd8edbf71c4c7dd0614bf408e4d16120 | 6051/6540 | Visa |
2000019853 | 8c08a0d0f00b73dedd2673a06fa725b0bd8edbf71c4c7dd0614bf408e4d16120 | 6051 | Elo |
In addition, you have to send some additional data in the transaction so that the brands can identify this type of transaction. See the specifications below:
In addition to the specific fields of this payment method, for Cash In transactions, it is also required to send the Soft Descriptor (
) and the CPF or CNPJ of the shopper (Customer.Identity
). In case of Cash In, the Soft Descriptor field should be filled in with name of e-wallet*name of shopper. See more details on the request fields table.
Important: Cash In booking is only accepted for the following types and brands: Visa/Mastercard credit only; Debit and credit link. Not accepted for foreign cards.
Environment | Method | Endpoint |
Sandbox | post | https://apisandbox.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/sales/ |
Production | post | https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/sales/ |
"MerchantOrderId": "2012345678",
"Customer": {
"Name": "Comprador Carteira",
"Identity": "11225468954",
"IdentityType": "CPF"
"Payment": {
"Type": "CreditCard",
"Amount": 15700,
"Installments": 1,
"CreditCard": {
"CardNumber": "4532110000001234",
"Brand": "Visa",
"SecurityCode": "123"
"Wallet": {
"PlatformOperator": "ABC",
"AdditionalData": {
"CashIn": "true"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
Wallet.PlatformOperator | string (text) | 3 | Yes for Cash In transactions | Acronym for the wallet that's registered in Cielo (check with you commercial manager at Cielo) |
Wallet.AdditionalData.CashIn | string (text) | Yes for Cash In transactions | Enviar como “True” se for uma transação de Cash In | |
Wallet.AdditionalData.Mcc | string (number) | 4 | Yes for Cash In transactions | MCC of the underlying merchant (for purchase transactions); MCC of the digital wallet (for credit supply transactions in the wallet, if applicable - in which it is necessary to mark cash in, also seen in this session) |
Customer.Identity | text | 14 | Yes for Cash In transactions | Shopper’s CPF or CNPJ number. |
Customer.IdentityType | Text | 255 | Yes for Cash In transactions | Shopper ID Type (CPF/CNPJ). |
SoftDescriptor | text | 13 | Yes for Cash In transactions | Text that will be printed on the shopper's bank invoice. Does not allow special characters. Needs to include Wallet name*merchant name. |