This page will help you get started with Recurrence.
Environment | Method | Endpoint |
Sandbox | post | |
Production | post | |
Guidelines for creating recurring transactions in sandbox:
- The card must end in 0, 1, or 4;
- Card must be valid according to mod10 (Luhn Algorithm), as the recurring transaction stores the card in a tokenized form.
Recurring credit card transaction response
The table below presents the main parameters that can be returned by the API when creating a recurring credit card payment. The response will also contain the data provided during the creation of the recurring payment.
Property | Description | Type | Size |
ProofOfSale | Authorization number, identical to NSU. | string | 6 |
Tid | Transaction identifier at the acquirer. | string | 20 |
AuthorizationCode | Authorization code. | string | 6 |
PaymentId | Payment identification number. The PaymentId will be used in future operations such as query, capture, and cancellation. | GUID | 36 |
Status | Transaction status. See the complete table of transactional status. | byte | *** |
ReturnCode | Return code. | string | 32 |
ReturnMessage | Return message. | string | 512 |
Payment.MerchantAdviceCode | Return code from the card brand that defines retry period. Valid only for Mastercard. Learn more Card brands retry program for Mastercard. | string | 2 |
Payment.CreditCard.PaymentAccountReference | The PAR (Payment Account Reference) is the number that associates different tokens with the same card. It will be returned by Master and Visa brands and passed on to Cielo e-commerce customers. If the brand does not send the information, the field will not be returned. | string | 29 |
RecurrentPaymentId | Field identifier of the next recurrence. | GUID | 36 |
NextRecurrency | Date of the next recurrence. | string | 7 |
EndDate | End date of the recurrence. | string | 7 |
Interval | Interval between recurrences. | integer | 10 |
AuthorizeNow | Boolean to know if the first recurrence will be authorized or not. | boolean | *** |