Create a recurrent payment

This page will help you get started with Recurrence.


Guidelines for creating recurring transactions in sandbox:

  • The card must end in 0, 1, or 4;
  • Card must be valid according to mod10 (Luhn Algorithm), as the recurring transaction stores the card in a tokenized form.

Recurring credit card transaction response

The table below presents the main parameters that can be returned by the API when creating a recurring credit card payment. The response will also contain the data provided during the creation of the recurring payment.

ProofOfSaleAuthorization number, identical to NSU.string6
TidTransaction identifier at the acquirer.string20
AuthorizationCodeAuthorization code.string6
PaymentIdPayment identification number.
The PaymentId will be used in future operations such as query, capture, and cancellation.
StatusTransaction status. See the complete table of transactional status.byte***
ReturnCodeReturn code.string32
ReturnMessageReturn message.string512
Payment.MerchantAdviceCodeReturn code from the card brand that defines retry period. Valid only for Mastercard. Learn more Card brands retry program for Mastercard.string2
Payment.CreditCard.PaymentAccountReferenceThe PAR (Payment Account Reference) is the number that associates different tokens with the same card. It will be returned by Master and Visa brands and passed on to Cielo e-commerce customers. If the brand does not send the information, the field will not be returned.string29
RecurrentPaymentIdField identifier of the next recurrence.GUID36
NextRecurrency Date of the next recurrence.string7
EndDateEnd date of the recurrence.string7
Interval Interval between recurrences.integer10
AuthorizeNowBoolean to know if the first recurrence will be authorized or not.boolean***