API Error Codes

Error codes returned by the provider, identifying the reason for the error and their respective messages, in the parameters ProviderReturnCode and ProviderReturnMessage.

Provider Return CodeProvider Return MessageDescription
0Internal errorData sent exceeds field size.
100RequestId is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
101MerchantId is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
102Payment Type is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
103Payment Type can only contain lettersSpecial characters not allowed.
104Customer Identity is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
105Customer Name is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
106Transaction ID is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
107OrderId is invalid or does not existSubmitted field exceeds size or contains special characters.
108Amount must be greater or equal to zeroTransaction value must be greater than "0".
109Payment Type is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
110Invalid Payment CurrencySubmitted field is empty or invalid.
111Payment Country is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
112Invalid Payment CountrySubmitted field is empty or invalid.
113Invalid Payment CurrencySubmitted field is empty or invalid.
114The provided MerchantId is not in correct formatThe submitted MerchantId is not a GUID.
115The provided MerchantId was not foundMerchantID does not exist or belongs to another environment (EX: Sandbox).
116The provided MerchantId is blockedShop locked, contact support Braspag.
117Credit Card Holder is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
118Credit Card Number is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
119At least one Payment is required"Payment" node not sent.
120Request IP not allowed. Check your IP White ListIP blocked for security reasons.
121Customer is required"Customer" node not sent.
122MerchantOrderId is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
123Installations must be greater or equal to oneNumber of installments must be greater than 1.
124Credit Card Number is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
125Credit Card Expiration Date is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
126Credit Card Expiration Date is invalidSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
127You must provide CreditCard NumberCredit Card Number is required.
128Card Number length exceededCard number over 16 digits.
129Affiliation not foundNon-store payment method or invalid Provider.
130Could not get Credit Card***
131MerchantKey is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
132MerchantKey is invalidThe submitted Merchantkey is not a valid.
133Provider is not supported for this Payment TypeProvider submitted does not exist.
134FingerPrint length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
135MerchantDefinedFieldValue length exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
136ItemDataName length exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
137ItemDataSKU length exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
138PassengerDataName length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
139PassengerDataStatus length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
140PassengerDataEmail length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
141PassengerDataPhone length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
142TravelDataRoute length exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
143TravelDataJourneyType length exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
144TravelLegDataDestination length exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
145TravelLegDataOrigin length exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
146SecurityCode length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
147Address Street length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
148Address Number length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
149Address Complement length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
150Address ZipCode length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
151Address City length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
152Address State length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
153Address Country length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
154Address District length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
155Customer Name length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
156Customer Identity length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
157Customer IdentityType length exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
158Customer Email length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
159ExtraData Name length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
160ExtraData Value length exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
161Boleto Instructions length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
162Boleto Demostrative length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
163Return Url is requiredReturn URL is not valid - Paging or extensions (E.g.:PHP) in the return URL.
166AuthorizeNow is required***
167Antifraud not configuredAntifraud not linked to merchant registration.
168Recurrent Payment not foundRecurrence not found.
169Recurrent Payment is not activeRecurrence is not active. Paralyzed Execution.
170Protected Card not configuredProtected Card not linked to merchant registration.
171Affiliation data not sentOrder Processing Failed - Contact Braspag Support.
172Credential Code is requiredValidation of submitted credentials failed.
173Payment method is not enabledPayment method not linked to merchant registration.
174Credit Card Number is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
175EAN is requiredSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
176Payment Currency is not supportedSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
177Card Number is invalidSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
178EAN is invalidSubmitted field is empty or invalid.
179The max number of installments allowed for recurring payment is 1Submitted field is empty or invalid.
180The provided Card PaymentToken was not foundCartão Protegido's token not found.
181The MerchantIdJustClick is not configuredCartão Protegido's Token Locked.
182Brand is requiredCard brand not sent.
183Invalid customer birthdateInvalid or future date of birth.
184Request could not be emptyFailed to form this request. Check the code sent.
185Brand is not supported by selected providerFlag not supported by API Braspag.
186The selected provider does not support the options provided (Capture, Authenticate, Recurrent or Installments)Payment method does not support the command sent.
187ExtraData Collection contains one or more duplicated names***
188Avs with CPF invalid***
189Avs with length of street exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
190Avs with length of number exceededData sent exceeds field size.
190Avs with length of complement exceededData sent exceeds field size.
191Avs with length of district exceededSubmitted data exceeds field size.
192Avs with zip code invalidZip code sent is invalid.
193Split Amount must be greater than zeroValue for SPLIT must be greater than 0.
194Split Establishment is RequiredSPLIT not enabled for store registration.
195The PlataformId is requiredPlatform Not Validated.
196DeliveryAddress is requiredRequired field not submitted.
197Street is requiredRequired field not submitted.
198Number is requiredRequired field not submitted.
199ZipCode is requiredRequired field not submitted.
200City is requiredRequired field not submitted.
201State is requiredRequired field not submitted.
202District is requiredRequired field not submitted.
203Cart item Name is requiredRequired field not submitted.
204Cart item Quantity is requiredRequired field not submitted.
205Cart item type is requiredRequired field not submitted.
206Cart item name length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
207Cart item description length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
208Cart item sku length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
209Shipping address sku length exceededData sent exceeds field size.
210Shipping data cannot be nullRequired field not submitted.
213Credit Card Number is invalidCredit card sent is invalid.
214Credit Card Holder Must Have Only LettersCardholder must not contain special characters.
215Agency is required in Boleto CredentialRequired Field Not Submitted.
216Customer IP address is invalidIP blocked for security.
300MerchantId was not found***
301Request IP is not allowed***
302Sent MerchantOrderId is duplicated***
303Sent OrderId does not exist***
304Customer Identity is required***
306Merchant is blocked***
307Transaction not foundTransaction not found or missing in environment.
308Transaction not available to captureTransaction cannot be captured - Contact Braspag Support.
309Transaction not available to voidTransaction cannot be canceled - Contact Support Braspag.
310Payment method do not support this operationCommand sent not supported by payment method.
311Refund is not enabled for this merchantCancellation after 24 hours not released to retailer.
312Transaction not available to refundTransaction does not allow cancellation after 24 hours.
313Recurrent Payment not foundRecurring transaction not found or not available in the environment.
314Invalid Integration***
315Cannot change NextRecurrency with pending payment***
316Cannot set NextRecurrency to past dateNot allowed to change recurrence data for a past date.
317Invalid Recurrency Day***
318No transaction found***
319Smart recurrency is not enabledRecurrence not linked to merchant registration.
320Cannot Update Affiliation Because this Recurrency not Affiliation saved***
321Cannot set EndDate to before next recurrency***
322Zero Dollar Auth is not enabledZero Dollar not linked to merchant registration.
323Bin Query is not enabledBins Query not linked to merchant registration.