VerifyCard by card token

Validates the card with Zero Auth and returns the card information from the card token.



    "Provider": "Cielo30",
    "Card": {
        "CardToken": "af1ffa95-e4a6-4ed9-9270-a9cb4c586c4a",
        "SecurityCode": "939",
        "Brand": "Visa",
        "Type": "CreditCard"

Below is the list of request fields:

MerchantIdBraspag store identifier.Guid36Yes
MerchantKeyPublic key for double authentication on Braspag.Text40Yes
Payment.ProviderName of the payment method provider.Text15Yes
Card.CardTokenToken on the Cartão Protegido that represents card data.Text16Yes
Card.SecurityCodeSecurity code printed on the back of the card.Text4Yes
Card.BrandCard brand.Text10Yes
Card.TypeType of card to be queried ("CreditCard"/"DebitCard"). This field is particularly important due to cards with multiple functions.Text10Yes


    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "00",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Transacao autorizada",
    "BinData": {
        "Provider": "Master",
        "CardType": "Crédito",
        "ForeignCard": false,
        "Code": "00",
        "Message": "Analise autorizada",
        "CorporateCard": false,
        "Issuer": "Banco da Praça",
        "IssuerCode": "001",
        "CardBin": "999999",
        "CardLast4Digits": "9999",
        "Prepaid": false

Below is the list of response fields:

StatusZero Auth Status.Number1"0" - Zero Auth query failed
"1" - Zero Auth query was successful
"99" - Query was successful, but the card status is inconclusive
ProviderReturnCodeZero Auth query code returned by the provider.Number2This is the same code returned by the provider during a standard authorization. Ex.: "82" - invalid card (for Cielo30 provider)
ProviderReturnMessageZero Auth query message returned by provider.Text512Eg.: "Transacao Autorizada" (Authorized Transaction)
BinData.ProviderService provider.Text15Eg.: "Cielo30"
BinData.CardTypeCard type returned from the BIN Query.Text15Eg.: "Crédito" / "Débito" / "Múltiplo" (Credit / Debit / Multiple)
BinData.ForeignCardIndicates whether it is a card issued outside Brazil.Boolean***Eg.: true/false
BinData.CodeBIN Query return code.Number2Ex.: "00" - successful query (for Cielo30 provider)
BinData.MessageBIN Query return message.Text512Ex.: "Analise autorizada" (Analysis authorized) - query performed successfully (for Cielo30 provider)
BinData.CorporateCardIndicates whether the card is corporate.Boolean***Eg.: true/false
BinData.IssuerCard issuer name.Text512Eg.: "Banco da Praça" (subject to mapping by the acquirer)
BinData.IssuerCodeCard issuer code.Number3Eg.: "000" (subject to acquirer mapping)
BinData.CardBinThe first six digits of the card.Number6Eg.: "999999"
BinData.CardLast4DigitsLast 4 digits of the card number.Number4Eg.: "9999"
BinData.PrepaidIndicates whether the card is prepaid or notBoolean***Eg.: "000" (subject to acquirer mapping)