Validates the card with Zero Auth and returns the card information from the card token.
Environment | Method | Endpoint |
Sandbox | post | |
Production | post | |
"Provider": "Cielo30",
"Card": {
"CardToken": "af1ffa95-e4a6-4ed9-9270-a9cb4c586c4a",
"SecurityCode": "939",
"Brand": "Visa",
"Type": "CreditCard"
Below is the list of request fields:
Property | Description | Type | Size | Required |
MerchantId | Braspag store identifier. | Guid | 36 | Yes |
MerchantKey | Public key for double authentication on Braspag. | Text | 40 | Yes |
Payment.Provider | Name of the payment method provider. | Text | 15 | Yes |
Card.CardToken | Token on the Cartão Protegido that represents card data. | Text | 16 | Yes |
Card.SecurityCode | Security code printed on the back of the card. | Text | 4 | Yes |
Card.Brand | Card brand. | Text | 10 | Yes |
Card.Type | Type of card to be queried ("CreditCard"/"DebitCard"). This field is particularly important due to cards with multiple functions. | Text | 10 | Yes |
"Status": 1,
"ProviderReturnCode": "00",
"ProviderReturnMessage": "Transacao autorizada",
"BinData": {
"Provider": "Master",
"CardType": "Crédito",
"ForeignCard": false,
"Code": "00",
"Message": "Analise autorizada",
"CorporateCard": false,
"Issuer": "Banco da Praça",
"IssuerCode": "001",
"CardBin": "999999",
"CardLast4Digits": "9999",
"Prepaid": false
Below is the list of response fields:
Property | Description | Type | Size | Format |
Status | Zero Auth Status. | Number | 1 | "0" - Zero Auth query failed "1" - Zero Auth query was successful "99" - Query was successful, but the card status is inconclusive |
ProviderReturnCode | Zero Auth query code returned by the provider. | Number | 2 | This is the same code returned by the provider during a standard authorization. Ex.: "82" - invalid card (for Cielo30 provider) |
ProviderReturnMessage | Zero Auth query message returned by provider. | Text | 512 | Eg.: "Transacao Autorizada" (Authorized Transaction) |
BinData.Provider | Service provider. | Text | 15 | Eg.: "Cielo30" |
BinData.CardType | Card type returned from the BIN Query. | Text | 15 | Eg.: "Crédito" / "Débito" / "Múltiplo" (Credit / Debit / Multiple) |
BinData.ForeignCard | Indicates whether it is a card issued outside Brazil. | Boolean | *** | Eg.: true/false |
BinData.Code | BIN Query return code. | Number | 2 | Ex.: "00" - successful query (for Cielo30 provider) |
BinData.Message | BIN Query return message. | Text | 512 | Ex.: "Analise autorizada" (Analysis authorized) - query performed successfully (for Cielo30 provider) |
BinData.CorporateCard | Indicates whether the card is corporate. | Boolean | *** | Eg.: true/false |
BinData.Issuer | Card issuer name. | Text | 512 | Eg.: "Banco da Praça" (subject to mapping by the acquirer) |
BinData.IssuerCode | Card issuer code. | Number | 3 | Eg.: "000" (subject to acquirer mapping) |
BinData.CardBin | The first six digits of the card. | Number | 6 | Eg.: "999999" |
BinData.CardLast4Digits | Last 4 digits of the card number. | Number | 4 | Eg.: "9999" |
BinData.Prepaid | Indicates whether the card is prepaid or not | Boolean | *** | Eg.: "000" (subject to acquirer mapping) |