Create a credit card payment

Create a credit card transaction




  • The Payment.ServiceTaxAmount field is exclusive to airlines, allowing them to charge the boarding fee separately from the airfare;
  • To validate if the authentication was accepted in the authorization response, consider the ECI outside the Payment.ExternalAuthentication node;
  • The JCB and Diners brands are foreign and do not allow credit card installments.

3DS authentication in credit card payments

3DS authentication is optional for credit card transactions.

If your store integrates with the 3DS protocol for cardholder authentication, pay attention to the parameters that must be provided in the request:

  • Send the parameter Payment.Authenticate = "true";
  • Provide the data received from the 3DS script output in the Payment.ExternalAuthentication node;
  • For transactions with 3DS Data Only authentication, provide the parameter ExternalAuthentication.DataOnly as "true".
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!