JUMP TOAPI ArchitectureEnvironments and API ArchitectureResource ListPostmanDownload and registerExplaining Postman ComponentsMaking a requestCollections and Environments CielosandboxHow to use the SandboxCredit card in sandboxDebit card in sandboxOther payment methods in sandboxRenova fácil in sandboxConsulta BIN in sandboxConsulta BINConsulta BINgetZero AuthValidate card with Zero AuthpostValidate tokenized cardValidate e-wallet cardpostVELOCITYPrevent frauds with VelocityCredit CardCreate a credit card paymentpostCapture credit transaction after authorizationputVoid a credit transaction via PaymentIdputVoid a credit transaction via MerchantOrderIdputCancellation return codesCard on fileDebit CardCreate a debit card paymentpostVoid a debit transaction via PaymentIdputVoid a debit transaction via MerchantOrderIdputCancellation return codesCard on filePixCreate a payment with Pix QR Code.postRequest a Pix refundputError messages and codes - PixBoletoCreate a boleto paymentpostE-walletsCreate an e-wallet payment using an encrypted cardpostCreate an e-wallet payment using a decrypted cardClick to PayCreate a payment with Click to PaypostQRCODEGenerating a QR Code via APIpostCarnêCreate carnê transactionpostGet payment detailsGet payment details by PaymentIdgetGet payment details by TIdgetGet payment details by MerchantOrderIdgetGet recurrent payment detailsgetConversor de moedas e-commerceCreate payment with currency conversionpostConfirm the currency conversionputCurrencies available for conversionCard TokenizationCreate card token before authorizationpostCreate payment using a card tokenpostCreate a card token during authorizationCreate payment with brand token via external integrationRecurrenceCreate a recurrent paymentpostModify recurrent payment dataModify shopper's dataputModify recurrent payment dataputModify recurrent payment amountputModify recurrent payment dayputModify next recurrent payment dateputModify recurrent payment intervalputModify recurrent payment end dateputDeactivate recurrent paymentputReactivate recurrent paymentputPayment with fraud analysis - ClearsaleImplementing ClearSale fraud analysispostPayment with Fraud Analysis - CybersourceImplementing Cybersource fraud analysispostNOTIFICATION POSTWebhookSPECIFIC IMPLEMENTATIONSCash In transactionsSDWO transactionsCBPS transactionsQuasi CashPayment FacilitatorsAPI codes and returnsAbout API codesHTTP CodesTransactional statusRecurrence status listAntifraude status listCancellation Return CodesAPI ErrorsCard Brands Retry ProgramABECS CodesAntifraude status list CodeStatus0Unknown1Accept2Reject3Review4Aborted5Unfinished