These codes are responses to the content validation of the data sent at the time of the API request.
If an error code is displayed, the requisition contains errors (such as size, conditions or registration errors, etc.) that prevent the creation of the transaction.
"Code": 126,
"Message": "Credit Card Expiration Date is invalid"
Property | Description |
Code | API error code. See the code list |
Message | Error description. See the code list |
API Error Codes
Codes returned in case of error, identifying the reason for the error and its respective messages.
ReturnCode | ReturnMessage | Description |
0 | Internal error | Sent data exceeds field size |
100 | RequestId is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
101 | MerchantId is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
102 | Payment Type is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
103 | Payment Type can only contain letters | Special characters not allowed |
104 | Customer Identity is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
105 | Customer Name is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
106 | Transaction ID is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
107 | OrderId is invalid or does not exists | Sent field exceeds size or contains special characters |
108 | Amount must be greater or equal to zero | Transaction value must be greater than "0" |
109 | Payment Currency is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
110 | Invalid Payment Currency | Sent field is empty or invalid |
111 | Payment Country is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
112 | Invalid Payment Country | Sent field is empty or invalid |
113 | Invalid Payment Code | Sent field is empty or invalid |
114 | The provided MerchantId is not in correct format | The sent MerchantId is not a GUID |
115 | The provided MerchantId was not found | MerchantID does not exist or belongs to another environment (e.g. Sandbox) |
116 | The provided MerchantId is blocked | Locked store, contact Cielo support |
117 | Credit Card Holder is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
118 | Credit Card Number is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
119 | At least one Payment is required | "Payment" node not sent |
120 | Request IP not allowed. Check your IP White List | IP blocked for security reasons |
121 | Customer is required | "Customer" node not sent |
122 | MerchantOrderId is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
123 | Installments must be greater or equal to one | Number of installments must be greater than 1 |
124 | Credit Card is Required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
125 | Credit Card Expiration Date is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
126 | Credit Card Expiration Date is invalid | Sent field is empty or invalid |
127 | You must provide CreditCard Number | Credit card number is required |
128 | Card Number length exceeded | Card number greater than 16 digits |
129 | Affiliation not found | Payment means not linked to store or invalid Provider |
130 | Could not get Credit Card | Can't find a card via the cardtoken sent |
131 | MerchantKey is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
132 | MerchantKey is invalid | Sent Merchantkey is not a valid one |
133 | Provider is not supported for this Payment Type | Sent Provider does not exist |
134 | FingerPrint length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
135 | MerchantDefinedFieldValue length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
136 | ItemDataName length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
137 | ItemDataSKU length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
138 | PassengerDataName length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
139 | PassengerDataStatus length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
140 | PassengerDataEmail length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
141 | PassengerDataPhone length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
142 | TravelDataRoute length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
143 | TravelDataJourneyType length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
144 | TravelLegDataDestination length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
145 | TravelLegDataOrigin length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
146 | SecurityCode length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
147 | Address Street length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
148 | Address Number length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
149 | Address Complement length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
150 | Address ZipCode length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
151 | Address City length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
152 | Address State length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
153 | Address Country length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
154 | Address District length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
155 | Customer Name length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
156 | Customer Identity length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
157 | Customer IdentityType length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
158 | Customer Email length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
159 | ExtraData Name length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
160 | ExtraData Value length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
161 | Boleto Instructions length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
162 | Boleto Demostrative length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
163 | Return Url is required | Return URL is not valid - No pagination or extensions are accepted (e.g. .PHP) in the return URL |
166 | AuthorizeNow is required | *** |
167 | Antifraud not configured | Antifraud not linked to the merchant's registry |
168 | Recurrent Payment not found | Recurrence not found |
169 | Recurrent Payment is not active | Recurrence is not active. Paralyzed execution |
170 | Protected Card not configured | Protected card not linked to merchant's registry |
171 | Affiliation data not sent | Order processing failed - Contact Cielo support |
172 | Credential Code is required | Failed to validate the sent credentials |
173 | Payment method is not enabled | Means of payment not linked to the merchant's registry |
174 | Card Number is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
175 | EAN is required | Sent field is empty or invalid |
176 | Payment Currency is not supported | Sent field is empty or invalid |
177 | Card Number is invalid | Sent field is empty or invalid |
178 | EAN is invalid | Sent field is empty or invalid |
179 | The max number of installments allowed for recurring payment is 1 | Sent field is empty or invalid |
180 | The provided Card PaymentToken was not found | Protected Card Token not found |
181 | The MerchantIdJustClick is not configured | Protected Card Token locked |
182 | Brand is required | Card issuer not sent |
183 | Invalid customer bithdate | Invalid or future date of birth |
184 | Request could not be empty | Failure of the request format. Check the sent code |
185 | Brand is not supported by selected provider | Card issuer not supported by API Cielo |
186 | The selected provider does not support the options provided (Capture, Authenticate, Recurrent or Installments) | Payment means does not support the sent command |
187 | ExtraData Collection contains one or more duplicated names | *** |
188 | Avs with CPF invalid | |
189 | Avs with length of street exceeded | |
190 | Avs with length of number exceeded | |
191 | Avs with length of district exceeded | |
192 | Avs with zip code invalid | |
193 | Split Amount must be greater than zero | Value for SPLIT realization must be greater than 0 |
194 | Split Establishment is Required | SPLIT not enabled for store registration |
195 | The PlataformId is required | Platforms validated not sent |
196 | DeliveryAddress is required | Required field not sent |
197 | Street is required | Required field not sent |
198 | Number is required | Required field not sent |
199 | ZipCode is required | Required field not sent |
200 | City is required | Required field not sent |
201 | State is required | Required field not sent |
202 | District is required | Required field not sent |
203 | Cart item Name is required | Required field not sent |
204 | Cart item Quantity is required | Required field not sent |
205 | Cart item type is required | Required field not sent |
206 | Cart item name length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
207 | Cart item description length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
208 | Cart item sku length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
209 | Shipping addressee sku length exceeded | Sent data exceeds field size |
210 | Shipping data cannot be null | Required field not sent |
211 | WalletKey is invalid | Invalid Visa Checkout data |
212 | Merchant Wallet Configuration not found | Sent Wallet data is not valid |
213 | Credit Card Number is invalid | Sent credit card is invalid |
214 | Credit Card Holder Must Have Only Letters | Card carrier must not contain special characters |
215 | Agency is required in Boleto Credential | Required field not sent |
216 | Customer IP address is invalid | IP blocked for security reasons |
300 | MerchantId was not found | *** |
301 | Request IP is not allowed | The IP restriction service may be enabled and the informed IP is not configured. Please contact support to enable the IP. |
302 | Sent MerchantOrderId is duplicated | *** |
303 | Sent OrderId does not exist | *** |
304 | Customer Identity is required | *** |
306 | Merchant is blocked | *** |
307 | Transaction not found | Transaction not found or does not exist in the environment. |
308 | Transaction not available to capture | Transaction can not be captured - We recommend checking the transaction status via API. Capture can only be performed if the transaction status is 1. Each transaction can only be captured once, even in cases of partial capture. To find out more, contact Cielo support. |
309 | Transaction not available to void | Transaction can not be canceled - Contact Cielo support |
310 | Payment method doest not support this operation | Sent command not supported by payment means |
311 | Refund is not enabled for this merchant | Cancellation after 24 hours not released to the merchant |
312 | Transaction not available to refund | Transaction does not allow cancellation after 24 hours |
313 | Recurrent Payment not found | Recurrent transaction not found or not available in the environment |
314 | Invalid Integration | *** |
315 | Cannot change NextRecurrency with pending payment | *** |
316 | Cannot set NextRecurrency to past date | It is not allowed to change the recurrence date to a past date |
317 | Invalid Recurrency Day | *** |
318 | No transaction found | *** |
319 | Smart recurrency is not enabled | Recurrence not linked to the merchant's registration |
320 | Can not Update Affiliation Because this Recurrency not Affiliation saved | *** |
321 | Can not set EndDate to before next recurrency. | *** |
322 | Zero Dollar Auth is not enabled | Zero Dollar not linked to the merchant's registration |
323 | Bin Query is not enabled | Bins query not linked to the merchant's registration |
Return Reason Codes
Reason Code | Reason Message |
0 | Successful |
1 | AffiliationNotFound |
2 | IssuficientFunds |
3 | CouldNotGetCreditCard |
4 | ConnectionWithAcquirerFailed |
5 | InvalidTransactionType |
6 | InvalidPaymentPlan |
7 | Denied |
8 | Scheduled |
9 | Waiting |
10 | Authenticated |
11 | NotAuthenticated |
12 | ProblemsWithCreditCard |
13 | CardCanceled |
14 | BlockedCreditCard |
15 | CardExpired |
16 | AbortedByFraud |
17 | CouldNotAntifraud |
18 | TryAgain |
19 | InvalidAmount |
20 | ProblemsWithIssuer |
21 | InvalidCardNumber |
22 | TimeOut |
23 | CartaoProtegidoIsNotEnabled |
24 | PaymentMethodIsNotEnabled |
98 | InvalidRequest |
99 | InternalError |