About Gateway API

The purpose of this documentation is to guide the developer on how to integrate with Gateway API, Braspag's payment gateway, describing all available services using request and response examples

Below is the representation of a standard transactional flow, followed by a short description of the main parties involved:

Fluxo Transacional

  • E-commerce platform: Provides technical solution for merchants to build all the infrastructure and processes needed for their e-commerce operation.
  • Gateway: Connects e-commerces with payment services (acquirer, boleto bill, issuer), making it easier for the merchants to manage payment providers.
  • Acquirer: Connects the transaction with the payment networks (brands) and settles the transaction for the merchants.
  • Card network (or brand): Communicates with the issuer of the transaction card and settles the transaction for the acquirers.
  • Issuer: Gives credit and stores the shopper's money. In the transaction, either approves or denies it for reasons of balance, card validity or fraud. Settles the transaction for the brand.


Gateway was developed with REST technology, which works regardless of the technology used by our customers. Therefore, it is possible to integrate using various programming languages, such as: ASP, ASP.Net, Java, PHP, Ruby and Python.

Here are some of the main benefits of using the payment Gateway:

  • No proprietary apps: no applications need to be installed in the online store environment.
  • Simplicity: the protocol used is purely HTTPS.
  • Easy testing: Braspag's platform offers a publicly accessible Sandbox environment that allows the developer to create a test account without the need for accreditation, making it easier and faster to start integrating.
  • Credentials: the client's credentials (affiliation number and access key) are transmitted in the header of the HTTP request.
  • Security: the information is always exchanged between the store server and Braspag, without the customer's browser.
  • Multiplatform integration: the integration is performed through REST APIs, which allows the use of different applications.