

Please refer to the API Reference for the full request and response examples.

Registered boleto

Since July 21, 2018, all boletos issued in e-commerce must be registered, according to a determination from FEBRABAN (Brazilian Banks Federation).

Below is a list of the affiliation procedures (in Portuguese) for each bank:

Creating a boleto transaction

To generate boletos, shopper's data such as ID number (CPF or CNPJ) and address must be provided. Please refer to Creating a boleto payment in the API reference for the full request example.

The Payment.FineRate and Payment.FineAmount parameters must not be used together. The same rule applies to the Payment.InterestRate and Payment.InterestAmount parameters.

Boleto conciliation

In order to update the status of a Boleto to Pago (paid), the Pagador must receive CNAB files with the related settlements from the banks. To enable your store to receive bank files, simply follow the procedure described on this article (written in Portuguese).