2. Class mapping

Classes that must be mapped in your HTML code.

Once the class is mapped to it's given field, the script is able to retrieve the value contained in the field and submit it to compose the authentication request.



  • The higher amount of fields parametrized, the higher is the chance of having a frictionless authentication, since the issuer will have more data for the risk analysis.
  • The # character indicated in the field must be replaced by the number representing the item index. Example: bpmpi_item_1_productName' represents the first item of the cart.
Data CategoryFieldDescriptionType/SizeRequired
Parameterizationbpmpi_authBoolean indicating whether or not the transaction is submitted to the authentication process.Boolean:
true - submit to authentication
false - don't subit to authentication
Parameterizationbpmpi_auth_notifyonlyBoolean indicating whether the card transaction will be submitted in "notification only" mode. In this mode, the authentication process will not be triggered, however, the data will be submitted to the flag. Valid only for Mastercard and VisaBoolean:
true - notification only mode;
false - authentication mode
Not required if 3DS Full / Required if 3DS Data Only
Parameterizationbpmpi_auth_suppresschallengeBoolean that indicates if ignore or not the challenge. If the challenge is ignored, the liability will keep with the merchant.Boolean:
true – ignore challenge
false – perform challenge
Parameterizationbpmpi_accesstokenToken generated by Access Token API (step 1)Alphanumeric (variable)Yes
Orderbpmpi_ordernumberMerchant order numberAlphanumeric [max 50 positions]Yes
Orderbpmpi_currencyCurrency codeFixed "BRL"Yes
Orderbpmpi_totalamountTotal transaction amount (cents)Numeric [max 15 positions]Yes
Orderbpmpi_installmentsNumber of InstallmentsNumeric [max 2 positions]Yes
Orderbpmpi_paymentmethodCard type to be authenticated. If the card has both functions, it is necessary to specify the transaction type.Credit - Credit Card
Debit - Debit Card
Orderbpmpi_cardnumberCard numberNumeric [max 19 positions]Yes
Orderbpmpi_cardexpirationmonthCard expiration monthNumeric [max 2 positions]Yes
Orderbpmpi_cardexpirationyearCard expiration yearNumeric [max 4 positions]Yes
Orderbpmpi_cardaliasCard aliasAlphanumeric [max 128 positions]Recommended if there is a card alias.
Orderbpmpi_default_cardIndicates whether it is a standard customer card in the e-commerceBoolean
true - yes
false - no
Orderbpmpi_recurring_enddateEnd date of recurrencyText (AAAA-MM-DD)Recommended, if recurrent transaction
Orderbpmpi_recurring_frequencyFrequency of recurrencyNumber
1 - Monthly
2 - Bimonthly
3 - Quarterly
4 - Four Monthly
6 - Semester
12 - Annual
Recommended, if recurrent transaction
Orderbpmpi_recurring_originalpurchasedateDate of first transaction that orignated the recurrencyText (AAAA-MM-DD)Recommended, if recurrent transaction
Order Descriptionbpmpi_order_recurrenceIndicates whether it is an order that generates future recurrencesBoolean
Recommended, if recurrent transaction
Order Descriptionbpmpi_order_productcodeProduct TypePHY: purchase Goods
CHA: Check acceptance
ACF: Account financing
QCT: Quasi-Cash Transaction
PAL: Prepaid Activation and Load
Order Descriptionbpmpi_order_countlast24hoursNumber of orders placed by same customer in the last 24 hoursNumeric [max 3 positions]No
Order Descriptionbpmpi_order_countlast6monthsNumber of orders placed by same customer in the last 6 monthsNumeric [max 4 positions]Recommended
Order Descriptionbpmpi_order_countlast1yearNumber of orders placed by same customer in the last yearNumeric [max 3 positions]Recommended
Order Descriptionbpmpi_order_cardattemptslast24hoursNumber of orders placed with the same card in the last 24 hoursNumeric [max 3 positions]Recommended
Order Descriptionbpmpi_order_marketingoptinIndicates whether the shopper accepted to receive marketing offersBoolean
true - yes
false - no
Order Descriptionbpmpi_order_marketingsourceIdentifies the origin of the marketing campaignAlphanumeric [max 40 positions]Recommended
Order Descriptionbpmpi_transaction_modeIdentifies the channel from which the transaction originatesM: MOTO
R: Varejo
S: E-Commerce
P: Mobile
T: Tablet
Order Descriptionbpmpi_merchant_urlAddress of the e-commerce's web siteAlphanumeric [max 100 positions] Example: http://www.exemplo.com.brYes
Prepaid cardsbpmpi_giftcard_amountThe total purchase amount for prepaid gift cards in rounded valueNumeric [max 15 positions],
example: R$125,54 = 12554
Recommended if the card being used is prepaid
Prepaid cardsbpmpi_giftcard_currencyTransaction currency code paid with prepaid type cardFixed "BRL"Recommended if the card being used is prepaid
Billing Addressbpmpi_billto_customeridIdentifies the CPF/CNPJ of customerNumeric [11 to 14 positions]
Billing Addressbpmpi_billto_contactnameBilling address contact nameAlphanumeric [max 120 positions]Recommended
Billing Addressbpmpi_billto_phonenumberBilling address phone numberNumeric [max 15 positions], in the format: 5511999999999Recommended
Billing Addressbpmpi_billto_emailBilling address contact emailAlphanumeric [max 255 positions], in the format [email protected]Recommended
Billing Addressbpmpi_billto_street1Street address and billing address numberAlphanumeric [max 60 positions]Recommended
Billing Addressbpmpi_billto_street2Neighborhood and complement billing addressAlphanumeric [max 60 positions]Recommended
Billing Addressbpmpi_billto_cityBilling address cityAlphanumeric [max 50 positions]Recommended
Billing Addressbpmpi_billto_stateBilling address stateText [2 positions]Recommended
Billing Addressbpmpi_billto_zipcodeBilling address zip codeAlphanumeric [max 8 positions], in the format: 99999999Recommended
Billing Addressbpmpi_billto_countryBilling address countryText [2 positions] e.g., BRRecommended
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipto_sameasbilltoIndicates it is the same address provided on the billing addressBoolean
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipto_addresseeShipping address contact nameAlphanumeric [max 60 positions]Recommended
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipTo_phonenumberDelivery address phone numberNumeric [max 15 positions], in the format: 5511999999999Recommended
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipTo_emailDelivery address contact emailAlphanumeric [max 255 positions], in the format [email protected]Recommended
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipTo_street1Street address and delivery address numberAlphanumeric [max 60 positions]Recommended
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipTo_street2Neighborhood and complement delivery addressAlphanumeric [max 60 positions]NRecommended
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipTo_cityDelivery address cityAlphanumeric [max 50 positions]Recommended
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipTo_stateAccuracy of delivery address statestring [2 positions]NRecommended
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipto_zipcodeDelivery address zip codeAlphanumeric [max 2 positions], in the format: 99999999Recommended
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipto_countryDelivery address countryText [2 positions], e.g., BRRecommended
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipTo_shippingmethodShipping method typelowcost
Delivery Addressbpmpi_shipto_firstusagedateIndicates the date of first use of the delivery addressText
AAAA-MM-DD - criation date
Shopping Cartbpmpi_cart_#_descriptionItem descriptionAlphanumeric [max 255 positions]Recommended
Shopping Cartbpmpi_cart_#_nameItem nameAlphanumeric [max 255 positions]Recommended
Shopping Cartbpmpi_cart_#_skuItem SKUAlphanumeric [max 255 positions]Recommended
Shopping Cartbpmpi_cart_#_quantityCart item quantityNumeric [max 10 positions]Recommended
Shopping Cartbpmpi_cart_#_unitpriceUnit value of the cart item (cents)Numeric [max 10 positions]Recommended
Userbpmpi_useraccount_guestIndicates whether the customer is not logged (guest)Boolean
true - yes
false - no
Userbpmpi_useraccount_createddateIndicates the account creation dateString
AAAA-MM-DD - creation date
Userbpmpi_useraccount_changeddateIndicates the last change date of shopper's accountString
AAAA-MM-DD - last alteration date
Userbpmpi_useraccount_passwordchangeddateIndicates the date when the shopper's account password changedText
AAAA-MM-DD - date of the last password change
Userbpmpi_useraccount_authenticationmethodShopper's authentication method01 - No authentication
02 - Store login
03 - Login with federated ID
04 - Login with FIDO authenticator
Userbpmpi_useraccount_authenticationprotocolData that represents the login protocol carried out in the storeAlphanumeric [max 2048 positions]Recommended
Userbpmpi_useraccount_authenticationtimestampThe date and time the store was logged inString [max 19 positions]YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssRecommended
Userbpmpi_merchant_newcustomerIndicates whether the consumer is a new or existing customer with the merchantBoolean
true – yes
false – no
Devicebpmpi_device_ipaddressIP address of the shopper's machineAlphanumeric [max 45 positions]Yes
Devicebpmpi_device_#_fingerprintId returned by Device FingerprintAlphanumeric [no limit]Recommended
Devicebpmpi_device_#_providerDevice Fingerprint provider nameAlphanumeric [max 32 positions] cardinal
Devicebpmpi_device_#_channelChannel from which the transaction came from. Possible values:
Alphanumeric [up to 7 positions]Yes
Recurrencebpmpi_recurring_typeRecurring payment type.Number
1 - First transaction
2 - Subsequent transaction
3 - Modification
Recommended, if recurrent transaction
Recurrencebpmpi_recurring_validationIndicatorIndicates whether the recurring payment transaction was validated or not.Number
0 - Not validated
1 - Validated
Recommended, if recurrent transaction
Recurrencebpmpi_recurring_maximumAmountMaximum amount agreed by the cardholder.numeric [up to 12 positions]Recommended, if recurrent transactiono
Recurrencebpmpi_recurring_referenceNumberUnique reference number for the recurring payment transaction.Alphanumeric [up to 35 positions]Recommended, if recurrent transaction
Recurrencebpmpi_recurring_occurrenceIndicates how often a recurring payment occurs.Number
01 - Daily
02 - Twice a week
03 - Weekly
04 - Every ten days
05 - Fortnightly
06- Monthly
07 - Bimonthly
08 - Every three months
09 - Every four months
10 - Every six months
11 - Annually
12 - Unscheduled.
Recommended, if recurrent transaction
Recurrencebpmpi_recurring_numberOfPaymentsTotal number of payments during the recurring subscription.Number [up to 2 positions]Recommended, if recurrent transaction
Recurrencebpmpi_recurring_amountTypeIndicates the type of recurring amount agreed by the cardholder.Supported values:
1 - Recurring payment of fixed value
2 - Recurring payment with maximum value.
Recommended, if recurrent transaction
Airlinesbpmpi_airline_travelleg_#_carrierIATA code for the stretchAlphanumeric [2 positions]Recommended for airlines
Airlinesbpmpi_airline_travelleg_#_departuredateDeparture dateString
Recommended for airlines
Airlinesbpmpi_airline_travelleg_#_originIATA code from origin airportAlphanumeric [5 positions]Recommended for airlines
Airlinesbpmpi_airline_travelleg_#_destinationIATA code from destination airportAlphanumeric [5 positions]Recommended for airlines
Airlinesbpmpi_airline_passenger_#_namePassenger nameAlphanumeric [max 60 positions]Recommended for airlines
Airlinesbpmpi_airline_passenger_#_ticketpriceTicket price (cents)Numeric [max 15 positions],
example:R$125,54 = 12554
Recommended for airlines
Airlinesbpmpi_airline_numberofpassengersPassenger numberNumeric [3 positions]Recommended for airlines
Airlinesbpmpi_airline_billto_passportcountryCode of the country that emitted the passport (ISO Standard Country Codes)Text [2 positions]Recommended for airlines
Airlinesbpmpi_airline_billto_passportnumberPassport numberAlphanumeric [40 positions]Recommended for airlines
Merchant Defined Databpmpi_mdd1Extra data defined by the merchantAlphanumeric [max 255 positions]No
Merchant Defined Databpmpi_mdd2Extra data defined by the merchantAlphanumeric [max 255 positions]No
Merchant Defined Databpmpi_mdd3Extra data defined by the merchantAlphanumeric [max 255 positions]No
Merchant Defined Databpmpi_mdd4Extra data defined by the merchantAlphanumeric [max 255 positions]No
Merchant Defined Databpmpi_mdd5Extra data defined by the merchantAlphanumeric [max 255 positions]No
Merchant Defined Databpmpi_brand_establishment_codeAmex Establishment Code (EC)Text [10 positions]Required for Amex authentications