

Please refer to the API Reference for the full request and response examples.

E-wallets are electronic safes (repositories) of cards and payment data for the physical and e-commerce customers. Digital wallets allow a customer to register their payment details, making the purchase process more convenient and secure.



To use wallets in Gateway de Pagamento, the merchant must have the wallets integrated in their checkout.

Contact the provider of your choice for further information on how to contract the service.



  • We only accept credit and debit cards via e-wallets;
  • The merchant must consult the wallet to identify the payment method used in the transaction;
  • The API Gateway de Pagamento is capable of tokenizing credit cards from e-wallets, which can be encrypted or decrypted cards. The merchant must have the tokenization service contracted and the SaveCard parameter must be set to "true".

Available e-wallets

API Gateway de Pagamento supports the following digital wallets:



  • When the Wallet node is sent in the request, the CreditCard node becomes optional.

Card brands supported by the wallets

Vist the wallet website to know more about supported card brands:

E-Wallet Integration

There are two options for sending an authorization request using the payment method e-wallet:

  1. Authorization using encrypted card: the request contains the node Wallet, the parameter WalletKey (used by Cielo to decrypt e-wallet data) and additional tokens provided by each e-wallet. This type of integration is recommended for merchants who are not PCI DSS compliant;
  2. Authorization using decrypted card: the request contains the node Wallet and the merchant themselves decrypt e-wallet data and send the open data to authorization. This type of integration is recommended for merchants who are PCI DSS compliant.

When the e-wallet is fully integrated, your payment transactional flow will be as follows:

E-Wallet transaction flow

Encrypted card

Below is the representation of a standard transactional flow when integrating an e-wallet with an encrypted card:

Decrypted card

Authorization with a decrypted card occurs when the merchant decrypts the payload received from the wallet and sends it to the API Gateway de Pagamento for processing and authorization.

Zero Auth

Zero Auth allows the merchant to check whether a card is valid for making a purchase before the order is completed. Zero Auth simulates an authorization without affecting the credit limit or alerting the cardholder about the test.