Integrating Silent Order Post

The operation of SilentOrderPost occurs in four stages:

  1. Merchant authentication through the creation of the OAuth2 access_token for access to the Silent Order Post API;
  2. Creation of the SOP AccessToken in the Silent Order Post API to integrate the script;
  3. Execution of the script;
  4. Sending the transaction authorization request to API Cielo E-commerce informing the PaymentToken.

1. Obtaining the OAuth2 AccessToken

When the buyer accesses the checkout, the store must generate the access_token from the authentication API (OAuth2). If successful, the API will return an access_token that should be used in the next authentication layer of the tool.

To obtain the access_token in the OAuth 2.0 standard, send a request using the HTTP POST VERB to the following URL, formed by the "environment base URL + endpoint", in the server-to-server model:

EnvironmentBase URL + endpointAuthorization
SANDBOX"Basic {base64}"
PRODUCTION"Basic {base64}"

Note: The value "{base64}" for "Basic" authorization must be obtained as follows:

  1. Concatenate the ClientId and ClientSecret (ClientId:ClientSecret).
  2. Encode the result of the concatenation in base64.
  3. Make a request to the authentication server using the generated alphanumeric code.

To obtain your store's ClientId and ClientSecret credentials for use in the sandbox and production environments request the Silent Order Post credential.


--request POST ""
--header "Authorization: Basic {base64}"
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 
--data-binary "grant_type=client_credentials"
Authorization"Basic {base64}"Send in header.
Content-Type"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"Send in header.
grant_type"client_credentials"Send in body.


  "access_token": "faSYkjfiod8ddJxFTU3vti_ ... _xD0i0jqcw",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 599
Response PropertiesDescription
access_tokenThe requested authentication token. It will be used in the step of obtaining the SOP AccessToken.
token_typeIndicates the type of token.
expires_inExpiration of the access token, in seconds. When the token expires, a new one must be obtained.

2. Obtaining the SOP AccessToken

Create the Silent Order Post (SOP) AccessToken by sending a POST request. Provide the OAuth2 access_token obtained in the previous step as the Bearer in the request header.

The SOP AccessToken will be provided in the script in step 3.

EnvironmentBase URL + endpoint


--request POST ""
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer faSYkjfiod8ddJxFTU3vti_ ... _xD0i0jqcw"
MerchantIdStore identifier in API Cielo E-commerceGUID36Yes
AuthorizationBearer [OAuth2 AccessToken]text36Yes


As a response, the store will receive a JSON ("HTTP 201 Created") containing, among other information, the SOP AccessToken.

    "AccessToken": "MzA5YWIxNmQtYWIzZi00YmM2LWEwN2QtYTg2OTZjZjQxN2NkMDIzODk5MjI3Mg==",
    "Issued": "2023-08-05T08:50:04",
    "ExpiresIn": "2023-08-05T09:10:04"
MerchantIdStore identifier in the Payment GatewayGUID36xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
AccessTokenSilent Order Post access token (AccessToken SOP). For security reasons, this token will allow the establishment to save only one card within a stipulated period in the response, through the ExpiresIn attribute (by default, 20 minutes). Whichever occurs first will invalidate this token to prevent future use.text--NjBhMjY1ODktNDk3YS00NGJkLWI5YTQtYmNmNTYxYzhlNjdiLTQwMzgxMjAzMQ==
IssuedDate and time of AccessToken generation.text--YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
ExpiresInDate and time of AccessToken expiration.text--YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

3. Implementing the script

Mapping classes

Download the Silent Order Post script and insert the script in JavaScript format on your checkout page. This script will allow our system to process all card information without store intervention.

Parameterize the form elements with the following classes:

PropertyClass NameMandatory?
Credit/debit cardholder namebp-sop-cardholdernameYes
Credit/debit card numberbp-sop-cardnumberYes
Credit/debit card expiration datebp-sop-cardexpirationdateYes
Credit/debit card security codebp-sop-cardcvvcYes
Card type to be verified ("debitCard" or "creditCard").bp-sop-cardtypeNo*

*If the bp-sop-cardtype class is not provided, the script will assume that the card used in the purchase is a credit card.

Defining parameters

Script parameters

The script parameters must be inserted in the HTML of the checkout page to reference the script.

accessTokenSilent Order Post access token (AccessToken SOP).
environmentEnvironment type: "sandbox" for testing / "production" for production.
languageLanguage: "pt" for Portuguese/ "en" for English/ "es" for Spanish.
enableBinQuery“true” (enables Consulta BIN, returning the card's characteristics) / ‘false’ (otherwise). Find out more in the Consulta BIN manual . Note: Only available for Cielo 3.0.*
enableVerifyCard“true” (enables ZeroAuth, returning whether the card is valid or not) / ‘false’ (otherwise).* Find out more in the Zero Auth manual.
enableTokenize"true" (saves the card directly in the Protected Card, returning a CardToken instead of a PaymentToken) / "false" (otherwise).*
cvvRequired"false" (disables the requirement to send the CVV) / "true" (otherwise). The store needs authorization from the acquirer to transact without the CVV.
cardTypeUse "creditCard" or "debitCard" to force card type verification. Important for validating multiple cards. If nothing is sent, the issuer will consider only the "Credit" type.

* The corresponding service needs to be enabled.


To enable Consulta BIN, VerifyCard or card tokenization, please contact Customer Service.

Using Silent Order Post with Card tokenization
Card tokenization is the encrypted card storage service. You can use Silent Order Post to transmit card data and Protected Card to securely and encryptedly store the card, which is PCI DSS certified.

Learn more at Card tokenization

Script Returns

The script will return a JSON with the PaymentToken (tokenized card that should be sent in the authorization) and card information.

Example of script return JSON

  "PaymentToken": "366f8470-54d0-43cb-95f5-c80a502afc27",
  "ForeignCard": false, 
  "BinQueryReturnCode": "00",
  "BinQueryReturnMessage": "Analise autorizada",
  "Brand": "Visa",
  "VerifyCardStatus": 1,
  "VerifyCardReturnCode": "00",
  "VerifyCardReturnMessage": "Transacao autorizada",
  "CardBin": "453202",
  "CardLast4Digits": "4044",
  "CardType": "Multiple",
  "Issuer": "Banco Santander",
  "IssuerCode": "033",
  "Prepaid": false   

Script return properties

PaymentToken*Ephemeral token used for payment in the format of a GUID (36). It lasts for 20 minutes and can only be used once. It is the value that must be sent in the authorization request.***
CardTokenPermanent token used for payment in the format of a GUID (36).When enableTokenize is "true".
BrandName of the card brand (Visa, Master, Elo, Amex, Diners, JCB, Hipercard).When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
BinQueryReturnCode"00" if the BIN analysis is successful.When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
BinQueryReturnMessageE.g.: "Transaction Authorized" if the BIN analysis is successful.When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
CardBinE.g.: "455187".When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
CardLast4DigitsE.g.: "0181".When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
ForeignCardThe field returns "true" if it is a card issued outside Brazil. "false" otherwise.When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
IssuerThe field returns the name of the card issuer.When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
IssuerCodeThe field returns the code of the card issuer.When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
CardTypeReturns the type of card, for example: Credit, Debit, Multiple, Voucher, etc.When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
VerifyCardReturnCodeThis is the same code returned by the provider during a standard authorization. E.g.: provider Cielo30 code "00" means success in validation.When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
VerifyCardReturnMessageE.g.: "Transaction Authorized".When enableBinQuery is "true". Available only for Cielo 3.0.
VerifyCardStatus"0"- Invalid Card; "1"- Valid Card; "99"- Unknown Situation.When enableVerifyCard is "true".
PrepaidReturns "true" if it is a prepaid card and "false" if it is not a prepaid card.***

_In Script Parameters, if enableTokenize is _true*, the script will return the CardToken instead of the PaymentToken. Learn more about CardToken in the Protected Card manual.

Implementing events

The provided script offers the following three events for store handling and processing:

onSuccessEvent in case of success. Returns the PaymentToken and also the card data, if card verification was requested. For security reasons, this PaymentToken can be used for a single authorization. After processing, it will be invalidated.
onErrorEvent in case of error. Returns the error code and description.
onInvalidEvent in case of incorrect data provision. Returns details of fields with errors. The messages returned in the validation result are available in the following languages: Portuguese (default), English, and Spanish.

Characteristics of the PaymentToken:
For security reasons, the PaymentToken can be used for a single authorization and/or within the period of 20 minutes. After processing, the PaymentToken will be invalidated.

4. Authorizing with PaymentToken

After obtaining the PaymentToken through the script, execute the authorization process, sending the PaymentToken instead of card data.

To submit a credit transaction, send the Payment.CreditCard.PaymentToken parameter instead of Payment.CreditCard. Learn more in the API Cielo E-commerce manual;
To submit a debit transaction, send the Payment.DebitCard.PaymentToken parameter instead of Payment.DebitCard. Learn more in the API Cielo E-commerce manual .

See the example below, describing the sending of authentication data for the authorization request to API Cielo E-commerce.


Payment.CreditCard.PaymentTokenProvides the PaymentToken generated through the script. This information replaces the card data. Replace with DebitCard if using a debit card.GUID / 36Yes


Refer to the API Cielo E-commerce manual for examples of authorization request responses.

Integration Example

We share a practical example on our GitHub of how you should map the classes and integrate Silent Order Post into your checkout.