
Search transactions

When accessing the Search Transactions tab:

You will be redirected to the transactions search screen:

This screen allows searching every transaction performed with success on the Cielo e-Commerce API and to perform the transactions capture or cancelling.

About the Filters:

TidCielo transaction identifier. Returning via response and available on Cielo website
ECCielo Affiliation number
Payment Ide-Commerce transaction identifier
Order NumberOrder number sent by the retailer
NSUAuthorization identification. Sent via response
Error codeReturned code in case a transaction generates an error.
Payment methodsGroup of payment methods such as Boletos and cred card. Does not differentiate card brand or bank.
Payment methodsSpecific payment method used on the transaction (Ex: Bradesco Boleto)
Fraud analysisWhat is the antifraud status of the transaction at the moment of the search
Transaction StatusCanceled - Transaction canceled by the retailer
Reversed - Canceled transactions with less than 24 hours
Not Authorized - Transactions declined by the Cielo Authorizer
Not Paid - Authorized transactions, but not captured
Paid - Captured Transactions

The filters can be combined to perform a customized search.

Capturing or Canceling Transactions

When performing a search, it is possible to perform a transaction capture or cancelling. When identifying the transaction that you wish to cancel or capture:

Just perform the canceling or the Capture (The presented button depends on the transaction status at the moment of the exibition.

Confirm the value to be captured or canceled. PS: Changing the value on the menu above defines the Cancelling/Partial Capturing behavior.

Capturing or cancelling transactions in block

When performing a search, it is possible to perform a transaction capture or cancelling in block. Just select which will be modified and click in “Options”:

Select the desired option:

When selecting the desired option, you will be redirected to a screen where you’ll be able to set the capture/cancelling amount.