Search transactions
When accessing the Search Transactions tab:
You will be redirected to the transactions search screen:
This screen allows searching every transaction performed with success on the Cielo e-Commerce API and to perform the transactions capture or cancelling.
About the Filters:
Filters | Description |
Tid | Cielo transaction identifier. Returning via response and available on Cielo website |
EC | Cielo Affiliation number |
Payment Id | e-Commerce transaction identifier |
Order Number | Order number sent by the retailer |
NSU | Authorization identification. Sent via response |
Error code | Returned code in case a transaction generates an error. |
Payment methods | Group of payment methods such as Boletos and cred card. Does not differentiate card brand or bank. |
Payment methods | Specific payment method used on the transaction (Ex: Bradesco Boleto) |
Fraud analysis | What is the antifraud status of the transaction at the moment of the search |
Transaction Status | Canceled - Transaction canceled by the retailer Reversed - Canceled transactions with less than 24 hours Not Authorized - Transactions declined by the Cielo Authorizer Not Paid - Authorized transactions, but not captured Paid - Captured Transactions |
The filters can be combined to perform a customized search.
Capturing or Canceling Transactions
When performing a search, it is possible to perform a transaction capture or cancelling. When identifying the transaction that you wish to cancel or capture:
Just perform the canceling or the Capture (The presented button depends on the transaction status at the moment of the exibition.
Confirm the value to be captured or canceled. PS: Changing the value on the menu above defines the Cancelling/Partial Capturing behavior.
Capturing or cancelling transactions in block
When performing a search, it is possible to perform a transaction capture or cancelling in block. Just select which will be modified and click in “Options”:
Select the desired option:
When selecting the desired option, you will be redirected to a screen where you’ll be able to set the capture/cancelling amount.
Updated 4 months ago