
We have listed below a short glossary with the main terms related to e-commerce and also to card and acquiring market:

AuthenticationProcess to ensure that the shopper is actually who they claim to be (lawful carrier), usually occurs at the issuing bank using a digital token or card with security keys.
AuthorizationProcess to check whether a purchase can be made with a card or not. At this point, several verifications are performed with the card and the carrier (e.g., timely payments, card locks etc.). It is also at this point that the card limit is checked with the transaction value.
CancellationProcess to cancel a purchase made with a card.
CaptureProcess that confirms an authorization that was previously made. It is only after the capture that the card carrier will be able to view it on their bank statement or invoice.
ShopperIt is the one who makes the purchase at the virtual store.
Issuer (or issuing bank)It is the financial institution that issues the credit card, debit card or voucher.
Commercial establishment or ECEntity that responds by the virtual store.
Payment GatewayCompany responsible for technical integration and transaction processing.
CardholderIt is the person who carries the card at the time of sale.
TID (Transaction Identifier)Code consisting of 20 characters that identifies a Cielo e-commerce transaction.