
You can create a QRCOde Pix and ask for a Pix refund


Please refer to the API Reference for the full request and response examples.

For Pix, the transmission for the payment order and the availability of funds for the receiver happens in real time, 24 hours a day and without the need of intermediaries. It is a payment method that allows fast and low cost transactions.

How to enable Pix

Before using Pix in production environment, certify that Pix is allowed in your account. To confirm, go to Cielo portal and in the logged in area go to Meu Cadastro > Autorizações > PIX.

Tela site Cielo adesão Pix

Get to know the cycle of a Pix transaction:

1E-commerceGenerating the QR code.12 - Pending
2ShopperPaying through the QR code.2 - Paid
3E-commerceGetting notified of the payment confirmation.2 - Paid
4E-commerceConsulting the transaction status.2 - Paid
5E-commerceReleasing the order.2 - Paid
6E-commerceIf it's necessary, requesting the Pix transaction refund (similar to a card refund).2 - Paid
7E-commerceGetting notified of the payment refund.11 - Refunded
8E-commerceConsulting the transaction status.11 - Refunded


To enable Pix for the sandbox environment, contac our E-commerce support e-mail: [email protected].

Pix QR Code transactional flow

Check the transactional flow for generating a Pix QR Code:

Pix transaction flow

The shopper then scans the QR Code through one of the apps enabled for Pix and makes the payment. At this stage there is no participation from the e-commerce or the Cielo E-commerce API, as shown in the flow:

Diagram: shopper paying using Pix



The QRCode for Cielo Pix expires in two hours.

Requesting a Pix refund

If your store needs to cancel a pix transaction, it is possible to ask for a refund. It is important to point out that the refund is not immediate and it needs to be approved by the Pix provider. When it is approved, your store will get notified via Notification Post.

  • The shopper must require to the store (merchant) the partial or total refund, through the store's support channels;
  • The merchant agrees with the refund and identifies the original Pix payment.

When to ask for a Pix refund?

Some example scenarios for requesting a Pix refund are product return, charge errors, and product not available in stock.

Who should request a Pix refund via API E-commerce Cielo

The store (seller who received the Pix transaction amount) should request the Pix refund for API E-commerce Cielo, in agreement with the shopper. Important: Be aware of time limits (regulated by Banco Central do Brasil).

How to ask for a Pix refund?

Via API E-commerce Cielo or App Cielo Gestão.

Pix refund rules

  • Refund will be effective only if the merchant has a positive balance;
  • For transfers, sales and other Pix transactions, the time limit for refund is 90 days, according to Banco Central do Brasil;
  • Clients that opt for automatic transfer will not have a positive balance in the payments account, therefore the refund will not be possible. The expected return is "Merchant with insufficient funds for refund" ("Lojista com saldo insuficiente para devolução").