API architecture

The model employed for the integration is quite simple since there are two URLs (endpoints):

  • Requests URL: for operations that cause side effects - such as authorization, capture and cancellation of transactions
  • Queries URL: for operations that do not cause side effects, such as transaction searching.

To execute an operation:

  1. Combine the base URL of the environment with the URL of the desired operation. Eg.: https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/_1/sales/_
  2. Send the request to the URL using the adequate HTTP method.
POSTThe POST HTTP method is used in the creation of features or in sending information that will be processed. For example, creation of a transaction.
PUTThePUT HTTP method is used to update an already existing feature. For example, capture or cancelation of a previously authorized transaction.
GETThe GET HTTP method is used for querying already existing features. For example, transaction query.

All operations require the access credentials MerchantId and MerchantKey, which must be sent in the header (header) of the request.

Each request sent will return an HTTP Status Code, indicating whether it was carried out successfully or not.

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