Renova Fácil

Renova Fácil is a service developed by Cielo along with issuers. The service aims to increase the conversion rate of recurring transactions with credit cards.

Renova Fácil allows the automatic replacement of a credit card that has been replaced by the issuing bank for some reason (expiry date, exchange, etc.).

This way, when a recurrent transaction is submitted to the API and Cielo identifies that the card sent has been replaced, authorization will be denied and the API will return the new card data in the NewCard node. When you receive the new card details, you will need to send a new authorization request with the new card details..


To use Renova Fácil, you must enable the service at Cielo.

No extra information is sent in the authorization request, however the response will include the NewCard node.

Below is an example of how the node NewCard will return:


  "MerchantOrderId": "2014113245231706",
  "Customer": {
  "Payment": {
    "NewCard": {
      "CardNumber": "40000000000000000",
      "ExpirationDate": "10/2020",
      "SaveCard": false,
      "Brand": "Visa"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "MerchantOrderId": "2014113245231706",
  "Customer": {
  "Payment": {
    "NewCard": {
      "CardNumber": "40000000000000000",
      "ExpirationDate": "10/2020",
      "SaveCard": false,
      "Brand": "Visa"
RecurrentPaymentIdNext recurrence Identifier field.Guid36xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
NextRecurrencyDate of next recurrence.Text712/2030 (MM/YYYY)
EndDateEnd date of recurrence.Text712/2030 (MM/YYYY)
IntervalInterval between recurrences.Text10Monthly
SemiAnnual Annual
AuthorizeNowBoolean to know if the first recurrence is about to be Authorized or not.Boolean---true ou false
NewCard.CardNumberShopper's new card number.Text16Yes
NewCard.ExpirationDateNew expiry date of the card.Text7Yes
NewCard.BrandCard brand.Text10Yes
NewCard.SaveCardIdentifies whether the card generated Cardtoken during the transaction. Find out more about Tokenization of CardsBoolean---Yes


Renova Fácil does not update cards stored as alias.