About Cielo E-commerce API

The purpose of this documentation is to guide the developer on how to integrate with API E-commerce Cielo, describing the features, methods to be used, listing information to be sent and received, and providing examples.

We recommend intermediate knowledge in web programming language, HTTP/HTTPS requests and JSON file manipulation are required to successfully deploy the E-commerce Cielo solution.

In this guide, you will find information on all operations available on API REST of API E-commerce Cielo. These operations must be performed using its specific key (Merchant ID and Merchant Key) in the respective environment endpoints


To perform an operation, combine the base URL of the environment with the URL of the desired operation and send it using the HTTP verb as described in the operation.


Get your credentials

Download the tutorial to learn how to generate your MerchantId and MerchantKey on Cielo portal.

Main features

The API E-commerce Cielo solution of the E-commerce Cielo platform was developed with REST technology, which is market standard and also independent of the technology used by our customers. In this way, it is possible to integrate using the most varied programming languages.

To get examples in these languages, see our conversion tutorial Postman Tutorial

Among other features, the attributes that stand out most in the Cielo e-commerce platform:

  • No proprietary apps: it is not necessary to install applications in the virtual shop environment.
  • Simplicity: the only protocol used is HTTPS.
  • Easy testing: the Cielo platform offers a publicly accessible Sandbox environment, which allows the developer to create a test account without the need for accreditation, making it easier and faster to start integration.
  • Credentials: the handling of the customers's credentials (affiliation number and access key) traffics in the header of the HTTP request of the message.
  • Safety: the information exchange always takes place between the Store Server and Cielo Server, without the shopper's browser.
  • Multiplatform: the integration is performed through API REST.